II Working Meeting on Adult Premature Mortality in European Union, October 2006, Warsaw, Poland Poland country report
Influence of Overall Mortality Trend in children Aged 0-14 and Males aged in Life Expectancy at age 15+ in Poland in Increase of Premature Mortality Decrease of Life expectancy
Cardiovascular diseases mortality, males aged Poland vs. Finland Lung cancer mortality, males aged Poland vs. UK Injuries rates, males aged Poland vs. UK
Mortality rates from all causes Poland and UK Males 0-14 Males 20-64
Democracy is healthier.
Life expectancy at birth Poland, 1963 – 2002, males
Live expectancy in Poland 1991 vs years 3.5 years
Mortality rates from all causes Poland and UK Males 0-14Males 20-64
Overall mortality – trends in age groups
Overall mortality rates, Poland , age group 20-44
Overall mortality rates, Poland , age group 45-64
Overall mortality rates, Poland , age group 65+
Overall mortality rates, Poland , age group 0+
Adults (>15 years) smoking trends in Poland
Lung cancer mortality – trends in age groups
Lung cancer rates, Poland , age group 20-44
Lung cancer rates, Poland , age group 45-64
Lung cancer rates, Poland , age group 65+
Lung cancer rates, Poland , age group 0+
Lung cancer mortality rates, Poland vs. EU15
Lung cancer mortality rates, Poland vs. EU15
Lung cancer mortality rates, 65+ Poland vs. EU15
Smoking causes about three times as many deaths as all non-medical causes put together Poland, year ,763* non-medical Murder / assault Falls SuicideDrowning Road accidentsPoisoning Plane crashesFires Train crashesFloods / storms Accidents at work Other natural disasters Accidents at homeOther accidents *in year ,000 smoking
Smoking kills 69,000 people a year, from many different diseases Poland, year 2000 *includes 18,000 (90%) of the 20,002 lung cancer deaths 27,000 cancer* 26,000 vascular (heart disease, stroke and other diseases of the arteries and veins) 7,000 respiratory 9,000 other
Tobacco-attributable deaths in 2002, age group * without Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg
Tobacco-attributable deaths in 2002, age group * without Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg
Main causes of death attributed to tobacco, Poland 2002, age group Number of tobacco- attributable deaths % of tobacco- attributable deaths Males % Lung cancer % Ischemic heart disease % Cerebrovascular diseases % Other cardiovascular diseases %8.6% Other causes of tobacco-attributable deaths % Females % Lung cancer % Cerebrovascular diseases % Ischemic heart disease % Other cardiovascular diseases3005.8%5.8% Other causes of tobacco-attributable deaths %
Consumption of alcohol in Poland, 1961 – 2001 (litres pure alcohol per capita) 15 years age group Alcohol consumption increase 1961 – 1980 was 84%
Liver cirrhosis mortality – trends in age groups
Liver cirrhosis rates, Poland , age group 20-44
Liver cirrhosis rates, Poland , age group 45-64
Liver cirrhosis rates, Poland , age group 65+
Liver cirrhosis rates, Poland , age group 0+
Liver cirrhosis mortality, Poland vs. EU15
Liver cirrhosis mortality, Poland vs. EU15
Liver cirrhosis mortality, Poland vs. EU15
Sudden deaths – trends in age groups
Sudden deaths rates, Poland , age group 20-44
Sudden deaths rates, Poland , age group 45-64
Sudden deaths rates, Poland , age group 65+
Sudden deaths rates, Poland , age group 0+
Alcohol-attributable death rates at ages per 100,000 population, 2002
Main causes of death attributed to alcohol, Poland 2002, age group Number of alcohol- attributable deaths % alcohol- attributable deaths Males % Liver cirrhosis % Traffic injuries % Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol % Suicides % Other alcohol-attributable causes of death % Females % Liver cirrhosis % Traffic injuries % Breast cancer % Suicides % Other alcohol-attributable causes of death %
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular mortality – trends in age groups
Cardiovascular rates, Poland , age group 20-44
Cardiovascular rates, Poland , age group 45-64
Cardiovascular rates, Poland , age group 65+
Cardiovascular rates, Poland , age group 0+
Cardiovascular mortality rates, Poland vs. EU15
Cardiovascular mortality rates, Poland vs. EU15
Cardiovascular mortality rates, 65+ Poland vs. EU15
Consumption of vegetable oils in Poland, years (kg/capita/year) Alpha-linolenic acids deficiency, Poland years (g/capita/day)
Fruit supply in Europe in 2002 kg/capita/year
Trends of overweight in Poland
Trends of obesity in Poland
Inequalities in access to health in European Union
Difference in life expectancy at birth, Poland vs. EU15, 2002 ~6 years 3 years
Difference in life expectancy at birth Poland vs. EU15, 2002 Distribution by age, males Age groupContribution to life expectancy difference (years) % contribution to life expectancy difference % % % % Total5.7100%
Difference in life expectancy at birth Poland vs. EU15, 2002 Distribution by causes of death, males Age groupCardiovascular diseases Malignant neoplasm Sudden deaths Infectious disease Other causes %36%17%25%0%22% total %46%17%18%0%18%
Difference in life expectancy at birth Poland vs. EU15, 2002 Distribution by age, females Age groupContribution to life expectancy difference (years) % contribution to life expectancy difference % % % % Total3.1100%
Difference in life expectancy at birth Poland vs. EU15, 2002 Distribution by causes of death, females Age groupCardiovascular diseases Malignant neoplasm Sudden deaths Infectious diseases Other causes %38%37%8%-1%17% total %75%15%5%-1%6%
Difference in life expectancy at birth due to tobacco and alcohol, Poland vs. EU15, males Tobacco-attributable burden Age group s difference (years) Difference due to tobacco TAF (years) %Age groups difference (years) Difference due to tobacco TAF (years) % % % Alcohol-attributable burden Age group s difference (years) Difference due to tobacco AAF (years) %Age groups difference (years) Difference due to tobacco AAF (years) % % %8%
Difference in life expectancy at birth due to tobacco and alcohol, Poland vs. EU15, females Tobacco-attributable burden Age group s difference (years) Difference due to tobacco TAF (years) %Age groups difference (years) Difference due to tobacco TAF (years) % %30% % Alcohol-attributable burden Age group s difference (years) Difference due to tobacco AAF (years) %Age groups difference (years) Difference due to tobacco AAF (years) % % %
Male overmortality
Difference in life expectancy between males and females, Poland years
Difference in life expectancy between males and females, Poland 2002 – distribution by age Age groupContribution to life expectancy difference (years) % contribution to life expectancy difference % % % % Total8.5100%
Difference in life expectancy between males and females, Poland 2002 Distribution by causes of death Age group Cardiovascular diseases CancerSudden deaths Infectious diseases Residual causes %31%14%29%1%25% Total %33%21% 1%23%
Mortality by education
Poland All deaths, males aged 20-64
Poland All deaths, females aged 20-64