1960 First debate for a presidential election was televised between Senator John F. Kennedy and Richard M.Nixon. First vaccination against Measles. Dance craze ‘The Twist’ goes global
1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human in outer space and the first to orbit the earth. Wall built to separate East and West Berlin. John F. Kennedy moves into the White House.
1962 John Glen became the first man to orbit the earth – 3 times. Marilyn Monroe dies. First Bond film Dr No, starring Sean Connery as James Bond. Beatles first hit Love Me Do.
1963 First use of the term ‘Beatlemania’ The Great Train Robbery- £2.6 million was stolen from a Glasgow- Euston night train. Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 35 th president of the United States on Friday 22 nd November at the age of 46 in Dallas, Texas.
1964 BBC2 launched. BIBA opens in London. First Civil Rights bill was passed to stop racial discrimination. Sydney Poitier was the first black to win best Oscar. Nelson Mandela jailed in South Africa. Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize.
1965 Televised state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill.
1966 Luna 10, the soviet spacecraft, became the first unmanned space probe to enter orbit around the Moon. Walt Disney died of cancer.
1967 Beatles released their famous Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts C lub Band album. The world’s first electronic ATM was installed at a branch of Barclays bank in North London. The first human -to- human heart transplant operation was performed by South African cardiac surgeon, Dr Christian Barnard. Radio 1 was launched. Sandi Shaw won the Eurovision song contest with ‘Puppet on a String’.
1968 The American Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr, was assassinated in Memphis,Tennessee at the age 39. Robert F. King, the United States Senator, was assassinated in Los Angeles,California Cliff Richard came second in the Eurovision Song Contest with ‘Congratulations’ The post office introduced the two-class postal system A first class stamp cost 5d and a second class stamp cost 4d.