Outcomes By the end of our sessions, participants will have… an understanding of how VAL-ED is used as a data point in developing professional development for PGCPS a concrete example of the PGCPS Coaching Continuum Approach an opportunity to dialogue and collaborate about professional development strategies with practitioners from across the country
Prince George’s County Context & VAL-ED
Essential Question – A focus on the Core How can district administrators use data to impact professional growth of all leaders in the district?
OUR PATHWAY TO SUCCESS To achieve our Vision of college and career-ready graduates, and our Goal of “Outstanding Academic Achievement for all Students”, we must monitor and improve: VAL-ED PARCC PSAT 8/9 DRA VAL-ED PARCC PSAT AP/IB/Dual Enrollment Technical Licenses/Certifications VAL-ED DRA Kindergarten Readiness PARCC Middle School High School Elementary School
Coherence Framework
What is VAL-ED? ■ Principal, Teachers & Supervisor take survey (360-degree) ■ The instrument: 72 items defining ❑ Six core component subscales and six key process subscales. ■ Rate 72 behaviors scale ❑ 1 = Ineffective to 5 = Outstandingly effective. ■ Rates principal’s effectiveness ❑ After indicating the sources of evidence on which the effectiveness is rated.
High Standards for Student Learning - There are individual, team and school goals for rigorous student academic and social learning. Rigorous Curriculum (content) - There is ambitious academic content provided to all students in core academic subjects. Quality Instruction (pedagogy) - There are effective instructional practices that maximize student academic and social learning. Culture of Learning & Professional Behavior - There are integrated communities of professional practice in the service of student academic and social learning. There is a healthy school environment in which student learning is the central focus. Connections to External Communities - There are linkages to family and/or other people and institutions in the community that advance academic and social learning. Performance Accountability - Leadership holds itself and others responsible for realizing high standards of performance for student academic and social learning. There is individual and collective responsibility among the professional staff and students. Definitions of Core Components
Planning - Articulate shared direction and coherent policies, practices and procedures for realizing high standards of student performance. Implementing - Engage people, ideas, and resources to put into practice the activities necessary to realize high standards for student performance. Supporting - Create enabling conditions; secure and use the financial, political, technological, and human resources necessary to promote academic and social learning. Advocating - Promote the diverse needs of students within and beyond the school. Communicating - Develop, utilize and maintain systems of exchange among members of the school and with its external communities. Monitoring - Systematically collect and analyze data to make judgments that guide decisions and actions for continuous improvement. Definitions of Key Processes
Core ComponentLeadership Practices High Standards for Students (PGCPS Leadership Standard 1: High Expectations) Uses data to guide actions for improving student learning Uses data from multiple sources to monitor student learning Monitors student learning against high standards of achievement Rigorous Curriculum (PGCPS Leadership Standard 2: School Wide Instruction) Uses disaggregated student achievement data to monitor the rigor of all curriculum programs Monitors the curriculum through frequent visits to classes Quality Instruction (PGCPS Leadership Standard 3: Observation and Evaluation) Observes each teacher’s instructional practices routinely to provide feedback Uses data to monitor the quality of instruction Culture of Learning (PGCPS Leadership Standard 5: Excellence and Equity) Monitors the school culture Monitors disciplinary data to make determinations about school culture Connections to External (PGCPS Leadership Standard 7: External Leadership) Collects information about the needs and interests of parents Evaluates the effectiveness of its partnerships with the community in advancing academic and social learning Performance Accountability (PGCPS Leadership Standard 8: Technology and Data) Monitors the accuracy and appropriateness of data used for student accountability Assesses the effectiveness of its procedures for gathering data on student performance Summary Data VAL-ED Data 2015
Aggregate Mean Scores VAL-ED Data SY ■Distinguished ■Proficient ■Basic ■Below Basic Core Components: Characteristics of schools that support the learning of students and enhance the ability of teachers to teach. Key Processes: Leadership behaviors associated with processes of leadership that raise organizational members’ levels of commitment and shape organizational culture.
SY Comparisons Across Respondent Groups (Key Processes) ■Distinguished ■Proficient ■Basic ■Below Basic
The PGCPS Coaching Continuum Approach
PGCPS Coaching Continuum Calibrating – What are the gaps/growth areas?ConsultingCollaborating Coaching Teacher Leader & Assistant Principal Assistant Principal & Principal Principal & Principal Supervisor
“Conversations Can Build The Momentum To Improve Practice With The Right Coaching & Feedback”
What resonated with you today? What will you do with that information? Who will you talk to about it? What more do you want to learn?
Contact Information: Douglas W. Anthony, Ed.D. Associate Superintendent Office of Talent Development Phone: x Contact Information:
Thank You!