7th Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes “The Age of Exploration”
7th Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes A Letter addressed to the noble Lord Raphael Sanchez, Treasurer to their most invincible Majesties, Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain, by Christopher Columbus, to whom our age is greatly indebted, treating of the islands of India recently discovered beyond the Ganges, to explore which he had been sent eight months before under the auspices and at the expense of their said Majesties. . . . Thirty-three days after my departure from Cadiz I reached the Indian sea, where I discovered many islands, thickly peopled, of which I took possession without resistance in the name of our most illustrious Monarch, by public proclamation and with unfurled banners. To the first of these islands, which is called by the Indians Guanahani, I gave the name of the blessed Saviour (San Salvador), relying upon whose protection I had reached this as well as the other islands; to each of these I also gave a name, ordering that one should be called Santa Maria de la Concepcion, another Fernandina, the third Isabella, the fourth Juana, and so with all the rest respectively. . . . “The Age of Exploration”
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes: Terms
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes: Terms
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 1 Desire and Opportunity to Explore better navigational tools; better cartography (maps); better shipbuilding; new trade routes; spread Christianity; discover new lands/people. Reasons for exploration:
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 1 Desire and Opportunity to Explore Performance Task: European explorers spent as much time raising money as they did sailing. Present an argument you would use to convince a rich patron to sponsor your sailing expedition.
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Portuguese and Spanish Explorations Heading 2 Henry the Navigator: Portuguese, built a observatory and navigation school, funded sailing trips; Vasco da Gama: Portuguese, 1st to sail around Africa to India; Christopher Columbus: Italian, sailed for Spain, found America trying to find Asia; Ferdinand Magellan: Portuguese, 1st to circumnavigate the world, killed before the end.
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Portuguese and Spanish Explorations Heading 2 Speculation: What might have happened if Christopher Columbus had gone east instead of west?
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 3 English and French in America Portugal, Spain went south; France, England went north; Francis Drake: English, pirated Spanish ships; Spanish Armada fleet attacked England 1588, defeated by English navy + storm.; Spanish sea power never recovered.
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 3 English and French in America Portugal, Spain went south; France, England went north; Francis Drake: English, pirated Spanish ships; Spanish Armada fleet attacked England 1588, defeated by English navy + storm.; Spanish sea power never recovered.
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 4 A New European World View voyages made better maps, new world view Europe now dominates world.
Chapter 16-1 Cornell Notes Heading 4 A New European World View Question: Which European country is the most powerful in the world at this time? 2. Spain 1. England 3. Portugal