Exploration: Taking a Trip. North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica Spain Portugal.


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Presentation transcript:

Exploration: Taking a Trip

North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica Spain Portugal

Timeline Bangjin comes to U.S. Alicia comes to U.S Age of Exploration 2000 Back

Exploration Who? Where? When? Why?



Why Explore? What were they looking for?


Why were spices so expensive? No refrigerators Next

Famous Explorers Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci Vasco da Gama Bartolomeu Dias Hernán Cortés Back

Christopher Columbus Born in Italy Spain paid him to explore He discovered the New World in 1492

Columbus’ Ships 1. Niña 2. Pinta 3. Santa María

Where was Columbus? Famous Explorers

He discovered he was not in Asia but in a NEW LAND. Amerigo = America Amerigo Vespucci Famous Explorers

Bartolomeu Dias Born in Portugal First person to sail around Africa in 1488

Famous Explorers

Vasco Da Gama Born in Portugal First person to sail from Europe to India in 1498

Famous Explorers

Hernán Cortés Born in Spain Conquered the Aztec Empire in 1521 Famous Explorers

What did you bring?

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