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Best Practice: Good slide/page naming is extremely important
Best Practice: To track in page interactions, create additional slides to contain the “clicked” state
Sean Putman 'How many JavaScript files need to be linked at the head of the file?' with score 10 { "verb": { "id": " }, "context": { "registration": "36fc1ee bb9-b cd4cad1b6e", "contextActivities": { "parent": { "id": " test/6SgWpHHaW4W" }, "grouping": { "id": " } }, "result": { "success": true, "response": "choice_5xwQ29qlMwQ",
Best Practice: Whenever possible use the object name to define the xAPI Object. When defining the verb, it is a good idea to check to see if there is a community of practice that has a set vocabulary and how to use the verbs.
Sean Putman answered 'How many files link to the head section?' { "verb": { "id": " "display": { "en-US": "answered" } }, "object": { "id": " Question__1_3074_ ", "definition": { "description": { "en-US": "How many files link to the head section?" }, "type": " "interactionType": "choice", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "3" ] } }, …
Sean Putman answered 'How many files link to the head section?’ … "timestamp": " T14:53:05Z", "context": { "contextActivities": { "parent": { "id": " }, "grouping": { "id": " } }, "registration": "36fc1ee bb9-b697-71cd4cad1b6e" }, "result": { "response": "3", "success": true },
Best Practice: When creating the quiz and questions, giving logical names to the quiz and question pages is important.
Best Practice: Whenever possible use the object name to define the xAPI Object. When defining the verb, it is a good idea to check to see if there is a community of practice that has a set vocabulary and how to use the verbs.
Best Practice: If defining an Activity ID it is a good practice to make sure you are being consistent across courses for activities that are reused.
Sean Putman 'What is the first item in the statement?' { "id": "2831fbc4-587c-407a-ac5e-1c2f1d5c64ea", "timestamp": " T15:41:45.855Z", "actor": { "objectType": "Agent", "mbox": "name": "Sean Putman" }, "verb": { "id": " "display": { "und": "answered" } }, "result": { "success": true, "response": "c)_Actor" }, "context": { "registration": "36fc1ee bb9-b697-71cd4cad1b6e", "contextActivities": { "parent": [ { "id": " "objectType": "Activity", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "xAPI Test" }, "description": { "en-US": "" } ], "grouping": [ { "id": " TC-undefined", "objectType": "Activity" } ] } }, "object": { "id": " ", "objectType": "Activity", "definition": { "type": " "description": { "en-US": "What is the first item in the statement?" }, "interactionType": "choice", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "c)_Actor" ] }
Best Practice: When creating the quiz and questions, giving logical names to the quiz and question pages is important.
Sean Putman @SeanPutman1