Julius Caesar Act 2 LEARNING GOAL - Analyze the interactions between cause and effect among characters and events in Julius Caesar. Rate yourself – 1, 2, 3, or 4
Quickwrite – Reflecting on Act I 1.Why didn’t Caesar listen to the Soothsayer? 2.What does this suggest about his personality. 3.Do you think his inability to listen to others will haunt him in the future? Explain. 4.Identify at least two pieces of literature we read this year that touches on this idea of importance of listening to others. Then, write a thesis statement explaining your understanding. In ____ and _____, the authors _____ and ______ convey the importance of ______ emphasizing _______.
Recap Caesar shows up saying Cassius is dangerous because he reads too much, is skinny, and doesn’t smile a lot. Brutus and Cassius notice everyone is upset about something. Casca tells Brutus and Cassius that Caesar put on a show of refusing the crown three times and offered to let the crowd cut his throat. The crowd, full of smelly commoners, went wild with cheering. Their breath stank so bad that Caesar passed out. In truth, he had a seizure.
Reflecting No one noticed but those close by. The women were especially wild about Caesar’s antics, thinking it was a great show. Cassius asks Casca to dinner. Cassius plans to get Brutus to join the assassination attempt on Caesar. A soothsayer warns Caesar of March 15, the Ides of March. Caesar ignores him.
Characters Brutus - conspirators Lucius – Brutus’ servent Cassius – Chief conspirator Casca - conspirator Cinna – conspirator (oh yes, & there’s Cinna the poet) Metellus – conspirator (had a bro, banished by JC) Decius - conspirator Trebonius – conspirator (draws Antony away from the Senate) Portia – Brutus’ devoted wife Ligarius – conspirator who joined just cause Brutus joined CAESAR - powerful Roman political & military leader SERVANT CALPHURNIA – Caesar’s wife DECIUS PUBLIUS - Publius Cimber, who has been banished from Rome, be granted permission to return. ANTONY – loyal to Caesar TREBONIUS ARTEMIDORUS - The Soothsayer
Analyzing Cause-and-Effect Relationships A cause is an event or circumstance that produces a result, or effect. An example of a cause-and-effect relationship in Act II is when Calpurnia’s dreams cause her to cry out three times in her sleep; her dreams are the cause; her cries are the effect. Given the following causes from Act I, identify the effects of each, and explain how these relationships are important to the plot. Cause: Cassius is envious of Caesar. Cause: Brutus admires Caesar but is afraid that Caesar will become king. Cause: Casca makes a mocking description of Caesar’s refusing the crown.
Understanding Irony Dramatic Irony is a device whereby an audience’s understanding of a character’s words or actions is different from the character’s understanding. The audience’s special knowledge enables it to view the characters with superior understanding. Verbal Irony is when one character intentionally says something with a meaning that another character is not aware of. For example, when Trebonius speaks ironically in Act II, Scene ii, lines , Caesar is unaware of the meaning, but the audience and Trebonius know the meaning. Find and explain an example of dramatic irony in Act I or Act II. Find and explain an example of verbal irony spoken by Decius in Act II, Scene ii. Find and explain an example of verbal irony spoken by Portia in Act II, Scene iv.