DESCRIPTION OF THE ACT TEST There will always be 60 questions to be completed in 60 minutes. Questions address content through pre-calculus
PACING STRATEGIES To get your best score, you must be realistic about your goal. The questions get harder as you go. Skipping problems is NOT a good strategy for most students on the math test.
HAVE A GOAL IN MIND Goal ScoreApproach… Concentrate on 1-30 Be picky on Bubble and hunt on or at the 5 min warning Concentrate on 1-40 Be picky on Bubble and hunt on or at the 5 min warning Concentrate on 1-50 Be picky on Get ahead at a minute per question
GENERAL STRATEGIES Write in the test book in the allotted space. Use “good technique” on every question. If a picture is provided, use it! Make sure you answer the question asked. If you are going to check answers, do it as you go.
CALCULATORS ON THE ACT The best calculator for the ACT is the one you know how to use (provided it has a screen and a parenthesis key.) There is an advantage to using a graphing calculator if you are comfortable and are able to practice with it. The TI-84 is a great ACT calculator. Some calculators are prohibited. Among the prohibited are any TI-89 or TI-92 versions as well as the TI-Nspire CAS version. For a the complete calculator policy, see
MATH CONTENT Pre-Algebra 23% 14 questions Patterns Proportions Percents LCD Perimeter Area Averages Ordering fractions Evaluating expressions
MATH CONTENT Elementary Algebra 17% 10 questionsSingle variable equations and inequalities Applications such as those involving money Rules for exponents Basic probability Addition of polynomials Absolute value Read and use information from a table Y = mx + b Factoring and foiling Simplify expressions Fundamental counting principle Evaluate functions Solve formulas for a given variable Systems of equations
MATH CONTENT Intermediate Algebra 15% 9 questions Word problems involving multiple variables Radicals Quadratic functions; parabolas Substitution in functions Solving equations by factoring Solving fractional equations Imaginary numbers logarithms
MATH CONTENT Coordinate Geometry 15% 9 questions Slopes of lines Midpoint Equation of circle Equation of parabola Equation of ellipse
MATH CONTENT Plane Geometry 23% 14 questions Angles of triangle add to 180 Types of angles Isosceles triangle Ratios and similar figures Pythagorean theorem Central angles Inscribed angles Vertical angles Alternate interior angles Alternate exterior angles Corresponding angles Scale factor Reflection, rotation, translation theorem theorem Sum of angles of polygon
MATH CONTENT Trigonometry 7% 4 questionssohcahtoa sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1 Law of sines Law of cosines
3 WAYS TO APPROACH QUESTIONS Use mathematics just like in your math class (is your answer reasonable) Use multiple choice strategies Guessing
Check the choices (picking out the answer is sometimes easier than coming up with it on your own) 2. USE MULTIPLE CHOICE STRATEGIES
Why guess? No penalty for wrong answers Guessing is better than wasting time on questions about which you have no clue 3. GUESS