Educational contributions to cohesion and well-being in European social and institutional life.
Tasks for the day Reflection on visits to Bekes County Reviewing aims and criteria for assessment Forming into international groups (of 4/5) Engaging with empirical data and theoretical perspectives together Deciding on a point of focus for the enquiry Reporting on the proposal Interim evaluations
Programme Objectives (1) To explore social policy within the European region as it relates to the well-being of children, young people and their families, including the various responses to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To discern and recognise the kinds of social setting and institution that have the capacity to affect social and economic well-being.
Programme Objectives (2) To develop skills in evaluation in order be able to evaluate ‘ physical ’, ‘ systemic ’, ‘ communicative ’ and ‘ attitudinal ’ factors within such social and institutional settings that have the potential to promote social cohesion and well-being. To explore ways in which interdisciplinary responses to a study of the promotion of social and economic well-being will enable students from different disciplines to re-conceptualise social phenomena that they have previously encountered.
How do we know how well people live together in our regions?
Using a social cohesion / wellbeing audit
We designed audits to appraise an institution’s capacity to promote cohesion and well being
Communicative capacity Diversity of languages in evidence Clarity of purpose, Flexibility, Sensitivity to difference Good levels of representation of diverse user groups Evidence of positive feedback from users
Physical dimensions Access, Location, Convivial use of space, Open shared areas, Discrete areas, Safety and security, Varied use of spaces
Network facilities and systemic engagement Links with other organisations, Outreach Programmes, Easy Access to internet, Open learning programmes Holistic approaches – education, social work, economic support structures
Policy commitments Equality and diversity statements Evidence of related actions, High levels of representation, Users’ consultation groups, Strategies to meet evolving needs
How best can professionals promote community cohesion and wellbeing in our European spaces?
Developing hopeful pathways
Research during visits in Bekes County Focus The position of groups living in marginalised parts of Bekes County Organisations Local authority of small marginal village called Zsadány at the Hungarian-Romanian border Key Concepts Aging population, migration of young people away from the area, social and economic disadvantage, unemployment, lack of education, lack of income – interventions through public work schemes
Developing a perspective How does an eagle see the world?
Ways of understanding world society and ourselves inside it To what extent do we have power over or within structures? Universalism v Autonomy Domination v Freedom
Forms of Universalism Religion Communism Globalisation The Market Education
Autonomy Individual contribution to the human condition World changes human beings Human beings change the world
Possible Futures Probable Futures Preferable Futures Our lives so far Participation: exploring values, developing a vision, making a contribution for example through education
Using criteria to support understanding and assessment of your enquiries in Bekescsaba Concepts Contexts Values Ethical concerns
Conceptual domain (L3) You can choose relevant ideas / perspectives / theories from the policy documents / literature to develop an argument You can organise these ideas / perspectives / theories to begin to interpret, analyse and evaluate data from the field. You can represent your understanding of the relationship between ideas and the data.
Contextual domain (L3) You can demonstrate awareness of factors within the context that are relevant to the study / evaluation. These could include social, economic, educational, environmental, historical and political factors. You can identify how these factors impact on the ways that practices within social / institutional settings can be understood You can share the ways in which your value position affects the way you understand professional practices
Values domain (L3) You can identify and analyse your own value position with respect to responsible professional practices You can recognise how this value position might be different from the value position of others You can identify how your value position might be changing
Ethical Domain (L3) You can identify ethical issues arising from the study / evaluation You can ensure ethical practices are followed in conducting your study / evaluation and communicate about these