H.Ohoka, H.Kubo, M.Aono, Y.Awane, A.Bamba, R.Enomoto, D.Fink, S.Gunji, R.Hagiwara, M.Hayashida, M.Ikeno, S.Kabuki, H.Katagiri, K.Kodani, Y.Konno, S.Koyama, K.Kuroda, J.Kushida, R.Mirzoyan, T.Nakamori, K.Nishijima, A.Okumura, O.Reimann, T.Shcweizer, M.Sasaki, A.Shibuya, R.Sugawara, H.Tajima, M.Tanaka, Y.Terada, M.Teshima, T.Uchida, K.Umehara, T.Yamamoto, M.Yonetani, For the CTA-Consortium Development of PMT Clusters for CTA-LST Camera Reiko Orito (Univ. of Tokushima) ICRC2011, Beijing, China, Aug11 th -18 th,2011
Cherenkov Telescope Array(CTA) Camera for CTA Large Size Telescope(LST) Development of PMT Cluster Module PMT HV Preamp Slow control electronics Readout electronics Performance Test Summary and Future Plan Contents
LST (~23m) MST (10~12m) SST (4~6m) Next Generation IACT Array from telescopes with three different sizes of mirrors One order higher sensitivity compared with current IACTs Gamma-ray energy range : a few 10GeV~100 TeV Cherenkov Telescope Array(CTA) ~23m LST OG2.5 ID726 M.Martinez OG2.5 ID1021 M.Teshima
CTA-LST Camera FOV 4.5deg(0.1deg/pixel), Photodetector pixels ~2500 Camera diameter ~2.5m (only for photodetector area) Readout electronics inside Sealed and temperature controlled We have developed first prototype PMT cluster module MAGIC-II(~17m) camera High performance photodetector Fast readout electronics Low power consumption Compact, Light Low cost for mass-production To realize this largest camera and achieve the CTA target sensitivity… Camera Basic Design: ~1.1m
PMT Cluster 14 cm Slow- Control Readout electronics 60cm 7 PMTs Preamp 48mm PMT Spacing. Cluster Components High-QE PMTs Cockcroft-Walton HV Preamp Slow Control Electronics Readout Electronics Please check also Poster: OG2.5 ID1119 H.Kubo, Dragon CW-HV
PMT Hamamatsu R Baseline photodetector for LST: PMT Hamamatsu R with 1.5 inch Superbialkali photocathode ~38mm Hamamatsu R Typical QE Curve of R Promising device for CTA-LST Specifications QE > 35% After pulse rate 4 p.e.) Pulse width 2.5~3ns(FWHM) Frosted Concave-convex Window TTS <1.3ns Life > 10years Operation Gain 4x10 4
CW-HV Specifications Consists of 3 PCBs, Made by Hamamatsu Voltage Division 300V(Zener):1:2:1:1:1:1:2:1 +5V Power, Power consumption < dark condition HV Control(Monitor) Line 0 ~ +(-)1.5V (corresponds to 0~-1500V) Cockcroft-Walton(CW) HV PMT Module with CW-HV and Preamplifier ~38mm Cockcroft-Walton High Voltage Preamp Hamamatsu R Compact HV with low power consumption CW Power Consumption Gain 5x10 4 ( for most PMTs)
Fast Preamplifier Fast and low power preamp board has been developed. Preamp Output ~38mm LEE-39+ (Mini-Circuits co.) amplifier. Bandwidth > 4GHz, Gain 20.8 Power 180mW for one board Readout line for PMT Anode DC Current is implemented. 0.5mm pitch connector R PMT signal After preamp 4ns
Slow Control Electronics Control and Monitor PMT HVs Monitor PMT anode current, temperature, humidity Generate fast test-pulse and control its attenuation Consists of two CPLDs, Controlled by FPGA in readout electronics PMT Module Side Readout electronics side ~14cm Power consumption ~17mW(standby)
Fast Readout Electronics Using DRS(Domino Ring Sampler)-4, Analog memory chip designed by PSI 1024 x8 capacitors/chip,sample rate 0.7~5GS/s, bandwidth 950MHz We have developed readout electronics board with 8 DRS4 chips with channel cascading(4 s Low gain, high gain channels FPGA-based Gbit-Ethernet (SiTCP) Interface The PMT cluster with fast electronics has been developed. 14cm Backplane side SRAM (18Mb) FPGA Virtex-4 ADC Ethernet PHY DAC Analog L0 Trigger Analog L1 Trigger Digital L0 Trigger 41.5cm PMT HV Preamp Slow Control DRS4 Main Amp
Performance Test One cluster (7 PMTs): power 14W, weight 1.3kg LED 7-PMTs DRS4 readout board Gbit Ethernet PMT Gain= 5x10 4 [mV x ns] 1 p.e. peak Front View Spectrum was successfully taken at low gain 7 PMT channels are read 900mV ~ 7 p.e. 5ns 2GS/s Waveform was successfully taken with 2GS/s Bandwidth > 400MHz First prototype PMT cluster for CTA-LST camera has been successfully developed !
Next Step Cooling plate Water pipe 19 clusters mm mm Construct mini-camera with 19 PMT clusters Demonstration of the camera cooling Study of mechanical structure Study of the cluster triggering Finalize the cluster design and mass-produce clusters for prototype CTA-LST camera in next 3 years
Preparation of next generation Cherenkov telescope CTA is in progress. Now we are actively developing hardware components. We have reported the PMT cluster for CTA-LST. High-QE PMT Cockcroft-Walton HV Preamp Slow control electronics Fast readout electronics This is a first complete prototype photodetector module for CTA-LST. Further study for prototype camera is ongoing. Summary
Thank you for your attention!
Block Diagram 7-PMT cluster DRS4 DAC Low gain High gain ADC FPGA DRS4 readout board SRAM( 18Mbit) I/O connector Gigabit Ethernet transceiver DAC SiTCP HV voltage set, Test pulse gen. V, I, temp., humidity monitor Trigger : Analog L0 & L1 or Digital L0 + - diff PMT 1 Preamp Cockcroft- Walton HV DAC PMT 2 PMT 7 Backplane Slow control CPLD ADC Test pulse gen. Temp. &Hum. Sensor Data are transferred via Gigabit-Ethernet.
DRS4:150Euro/channle PMT: 150/ch CW+Preamp+Slow control] 130/ch Target price: 400 Main Amp 400mW DRS4 18mW/channel 1 p.e. Gain= 9.6x10 4 Readout electronics development in CTA(Poster presentations): ID698 J.Glicenstein, NECTAR ID39 G.Puehlhofer, FlashCam ID1065 J.Vandenbroucke, TARGET ID1119 H.Kubo, DRS4