faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx | Towards Responsible Research and Innovation, practical experiences: the IRRESISTIBLE-project Bart van de Laar Science LinX – University of Groningen
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx 3| Learnings / good practice Building CoL’s - including teachers, experts from science centers/museums and corporations- working on teaching materials to bring RRI to the classroom: healthy ageing genomics oceanography nano science climate change Student-curated exhibition
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx 4| Challenges To provide students a strong foundation to engage in science issues they will meet during their lives To help teachers address contemporary science issues and applications relevant to students To develop teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and classroom practice for ‘RRI’
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx 5|
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx |6 Thank you
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science w/f society Research projects ‘PWS’, science shops
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science w/f society Host role model events, like ‘Girls Day’
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science w/f society CoL: teachers, university and industry researchers, science centre experts
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science w/f society open access; dissemination H2020
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science w/f society Public debates; science cafes - role models ‘life in the lab’
| faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx Choose together Unlock the full potential Creative Learning | Fresh ideas Share results to advance Do the right think | Do it right Design science f/w society governance; policy to prevent harmful and unethical R&I
faculty of mathematics and natural sciences science linx 13|