One Rotary Summit 2015 DATE / Facilitator Name
TITLE | 2 What is a One Rotary Summit? Today’s “One Rotary Summit” joins together Rotarians to exchange ideas and take away cutting-edge ideas on how to energize and bolster your club for growth, service and public interaction. The purpose of the Summit is to understand how Membership, Public Image and the Rotary Foundation all work together and support Rotary’s overall strategic plan. Today is all about fresh new thinking so you can walk away with hands on tools to help strengthen your club’s membership, public image and involvement in Rotary Foundation fundraising and programs. Instead of you listening to us, we’re going to listen to all of you! We want to help you strengthen your club and become a Rotary Champion!
TITLE | 3 Agenda Kick off the One Rotary Summit – 15 min Introduction to materials and tools – 15 min Case Study #1 Setup, Group Work & Debrief – 60 min Case Study #2 Setup, Group Work & Debrief – 60 min Final Review, Reflection and Wrap Up – 25 min – Wrap up discussion – Takeaways & tools – Thank you!
TITLE | 4 Basic instructions for the day Everyone should have a team assignment card with a Number and Letter. Your team will have 35 minutes to work on each case study. Feel free to use the materials and information provided at the tables. After 35 minutes we will debrief as a whole group (20 min), then change teams and begin the next case study. You Participant Workbook includes each case study and a worksheet. We encourage you to write on your worksheet (instead of having just one recorder) because this is one of your takeaways.
TITLE | 5 Materials & Tools The materials and tools at your tables are just some of the many available to you. Remember that tools and materials exist at the international, zone, district and even the club level. Today, we have just given you a few to help spark discussion, dialogue and creative thinking as you work through the case studies. The tools you have available to you today at your tables include: – Strategic Plan – Rotary’s values in action! Outlines key strategic goals which should be utilized to develop a strategy at all levels in Rotary. – Voice Quick Reference Guide - Tips on how to communicate and convey your Rotary messages as effectively as possible. – Communication Guide - Tips on how to set up a communication plan. – Community Service and Foundation Guide - Key terms and concepts for project planning and building foundation support. – Be a Vibrant Club brochure – Additional Resources List - A list of just some of the available resources to you.
TITLE | 6 Case Study #1 Setup Take a few minutes to read through Case Study #1. Do not limit yourself to the tools and materials you have at your work stations. Think outside the box and be creative!
TITLE | 7 Wrap Up Case Study #1 Question #1: What were your group’s ideas for increasing membership attraction and engagement?
TITLE | 8 Wrap Up Case Study #1 Question #2: What were your group’s ideas for increasing public awareness of the club and it’s activities?
TITLE | 9 Wrap Up Case Study #1 Question #3: What were your group’s ideas for enhancing community service and increasing public support for your service projects?
TITLE | 10 Setup Case Study #2 Take a few minutes to read through Case Study #2. Do not limit yourself to the tools and materials you have at your work stations. Think outside the box and be creative!
TITLE | 11 Wrap Up Case Study #2 Question #1: How could your club tell the Rotary story more effectively via this fundraiser?
TITLE | 12 Wrap Up Case Study #2 Question #2: What could your club do to capitalize on this project to potentially attract new members at the same time?
TITLE | 13 Wrap Up Case Study #2 Question #3: What action steps can your club take to improve your future fundraising efforts, Rotary Foundation supported service, member attraction and public awareness of Rotary in general?
TITLE | 14 Ah-Ha Moment… Looking back on all of the dialogue you had today, what was your biggest “Ah- ha” moment?
TITLE | 15 Takeaways Participant guide including the One Rotary Summit Additional Resources page Online “toolbox” – a URL will be sent to all participants electronically
TITLE | 16 Final Wrap Up You all joined together, exchanged ideas and have cutting- edge ideas to bring back to your clubs. Everyone should now understand how Membership, Public Image and The Rotary Foundation all work together and support Rotary’s overall strategic plan. Take time to reflect and create a personal action plan. Please share your feedback – a survey will be sent to all participants electronically.
TITLE | 17 Personal Action Plan After taking a few minutes to reflect on today’s One Rotary Summit, write down two to three actions you plan to take back to your club.
TITLE | 18 Thank You! Thank you! Survey link: