Depressive Symptoms, Anatomical Region, and Clinical Outcomes for Patients Seeking Outpatient Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain by Steven Z. George,


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Presentation transcript:

Depressive Symptoms, Anatomical Region, and Clinical Outcomes for Patients Seeking Outpatient Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain by Steven Z. George, Rogelio A. Coronado, Jason M. Beneciuk, Carolina Valencia, Mark W. Werneke, and Dennis L. Hart ptjournal Volume 91(3): March 1, 2011 © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Intake Characteristics for Patients Seeking Outpatient Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Conditionsa. Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Univariate Association of Intake Severe Depressive Symptoms With Demographic and Clinical Factorsa. Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Depressive symptoms category and anatomical location: (A) association with intake pain intensity (0–10 scale); (B) association with intake functional status (0–100 scale). Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Depressive Symptoms' Contribution to Intake Pain Intensity Ratings and Functional Status Scores for all Anatomical Locationsa. Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Univariate Association of Intake Depressive Symptoms With Clinical Outcomesa. Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Depressive symptoms' influence on: (A) pain intensity outcomes (collapsed across all anatomical locations) and (B) functional status outcomes (collapsed across all anatomical locations). Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association

Intake Depressive Symptoms' Association With Discharge Pain Intensity Ratings and Functional Status Scoresa. Steven Z. George et al. PHYS THER 2011;91: © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association