SPEECH DEFINITION: Oxford dictionary noun 1 [mass noun] the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds:he was born.


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Presentation transcript:

SPEECH DEFINITION: Oxford dictionary noun 1 [mass noun] the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds:he was born deaf and without the power of speech a person’s style of speaking: she wouldn’t accept his correction of her speech 2a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience:he gave a speech about the company a sequence of lines written for one character in a play: Antony’s speech over Caesar’s body

Thesaurus dictionary - Types THESAURUS DICTIONARY 1 a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience aformaloccasionwhensomeonespeakstoanaudience ◦a. the words that someone speaks to an audience thewordsthatsomeonespeakstoanaudience ◦b. a part of a play when a particular character speaks for a long time apartofaplaywhenaparticularcharacterspeaksfora longtime ◦c. often humorous an occasion when someone talks for a long time about something that they think is important. This word is often used for making someone feel silly for saying somethinganoccasionwhensomeonetalksforalong timeaboutsomethingthattheythinkisimportantThis wordisoftenusedformakingsomeonefeelsillyforsaying something Speeches and parts of speeches a formal occasion when someone speaks to an audience aformaloccasionwhensomeonespeakstoanaudience the words that someone speaks to an audience thewordsthatsomeonespeakstoanaudience an informal lecture about a subject aninformallectureaboutasubject

Address noun a formal speech given by someone to a group of people, especially as part of an important occasion aformalspeechgivenbysomeonetoagroup ofpeopleespeciallyaspartofanimportant occasion Monologue noun a speech made by someone who talks for a long time and does not let anyone else say anything aspeechmadebysomeonewhotalksfora longtimeanddoesnotletanyoneelsesay anything Public speaking noun the activity of speaking formally to large groups of people theactivityofspeakingformallytolarge groupsofpeople

The Pledge of Allegiance a short speech that U.S. citizens recite (=learn and say), in which they formally promise to be loyal to their country. Children say this every morning in most schools. ashortspeechthatUScitizensrecitelearn andsayinwhichtheyformallypromisetobe loyaltotheircountryChildrensaythisevery morninginmostschools Vote of thanks noun a formal public speech that thanks someone for something that they have done aformalpublicspeechthatthankssomeonefor somethingthattheyhavedone Presentation a formal talk in which you describe or explain something to a group of people aformaltalkinwhichyoudescribeorexplain somethingtoagroupofpeople Sermon noun a talk in which someone tells you how to behave in a morally correct way, although you do not want to hear it atalkinwhichsomeonetellsyouhowtobehave inamorallycorrectwayalthoughyoudonot wanttohearit


TOPICS for PERSUASIVE ESSAYS Do you think it would be better for students to be on the honor roll in order to play in games? Don’t take education for granted. Journal writing is therapeutic. Juveniles getting adult jail sentences. Lyrics in a song can impact our lives. Sports can make a healthy life.