Unit 6 ( ) The Roaring 20’s and Great Depression
I) The Roaring 20’s A) Warren G. Hardings – “Return to Normalcy.” A typical Republican stance by standards of today. Mainly: 1) Less Global Involvement – defeat of League of Nations 2) Less Reform – more laissez-faire approach. Led to greater corruption in workplace/monopolies. * Teapot Dome Oil Scandal* Why? Post-War Exhaustion/Fun!
B) Calvin Coolidge Adds Roar Replaced Harding (VP), tended to be in right place at right time for our economy. 1) Modern Developments Decade: Ads NewspaperJazz Radio Silent MoviesNight Shifts/Power Generation (Tesla) Durable Goods: Stove, Washers, Freezers (Modern necessities by standards today) Assembly Lines: Ford/Automobiles…and many ripple-effect related industries; gas, road, convenience stores, suburbs.
2) American Farmer – the exception to growth rule of 20’s. Reasons – 1) Reduced Dependence on U.S. farmer by Europe, resulting in surplus and lower profits. (Milk) 2) Efficiency/Technology – actually hurt the farmer. “They put themselves out of business.” How? Tractors, Combines, Hybrids, Fertilizers
3) Big Business Helped: Lower Taxes *Regulations Cut (Laissez Faire) Lower Taxes *Regulations Cut (Laissez Faire) Stocks Boom!* Buying on Margin Stocks Boom!* Buying on Margin(Credit) Optimism* “Bull” Market Optimism* “Bull” Market Stock “Speculation” at all-time high Stock “Speculation” at all-time high Higher Tariffs protect U.S. Corp. Higher Tariffs protect U.S. Corp. Fast but UNSTABLE growth!!!
C) Cultural Shifts of the 20’s Growt h of suburbs and related areas, ex? Asphalt, steel, home building Arts – Harlem Renassaince – film, music, jazz Intolerance – of ethnic diversity. Ex1. Quota Act of 1924 (Euro Descent) “We don’t want yer kind here” Ex2. Red Scare – fear of communism begins, revolt like Russia by Bolsheviks and Anarchists. Ex. 3 Mitchell Palmer Raids – Attorney Gen.l (head of all police forces) raids, arrests 4,000 immigrants – deports 500. Many rights violated in the process. Ex. 3 Mitchell Palmer Raids – Attorney Gen.l (head of all police forces) raids, arrests 4,000 immigrants – deports 500. Many rights violated in the process.
Ex. 4 – Rebirth of KKK. Attacked blacks and others who were not white protestants. Ex. 5 Scopes Trial – intolerance of scientific theory (most accepted now) of evolution. (Darwin) Was taught in school and teacher was prosecuted. “Inherit the Wind” William Jennings Bryan – tries the case. Ex. 6 Sacco/Vanzetti Trial – Italian Immigrants wrongly convicted of murder and executed for their beliefs in anarchism.