1 António Pereira Fysikum The backend of the nuclear fuel cycle in Sweden
2 The status of the nuclear fuel cycle The licensing application (KBS-3) Challenges and controversies
Nuclear power plant Health care, industry and research High-level waste Low- and intermediate- level waste Sigyn Fuel repository for radioactive operational waste (SFR) Central interim repository facility for spent nuclear fuel (CLAB) Encapsulation plant Fuel repository for spent nuclear fuel The nuclear fuel cycle in Sweden
SFR Capacity = m 3 Receiving capacity = m 3 /year Construction cost = 70 miljon Euros Operational cost = 4 miljon Euros/year 50 m
The waste is packed in metal and concrete containers and placed in rock vaults. The most radioactive material is in the silo. Mainly it consists of replaced filters that collect radioactive substances from the reactor operations. All handling in the silo is automated.
60 m The Silo
Äspö Underground Laboratory
The licensing application - KBS m
Bentonite Canister with spent fuel Rock fracture (water flow) pinhole Rock
KBS-3V versus KBS-3H Transport tunnel l Deposition tunnel Transport tunnel l
Copper canister
Technical Challanges - Forsmark
19 Technical Challanges km km deposition tunnels - 14 km other tunnels miljon m 3 of rock to remove - 8 years to construct – 1/3 of rock volume removed - 50 years of operation – 2/3 of rock volume to remove
20 Technical Challanges - Production of bentonite: 25 tones/day - Production of rock/bentonite mixture to fill the tunnels: 300 tones/day
6 years of studies Ca. 25 deep boreholes Ca 40 other boreholes Measurements, modelling Consequence analyses - Safety and environment Ca 600 reports (Ca 60 miljon euros) Site selection research in Forsmark and Oskarshamn – for each place: Peer review - Challanges
Controversies Bentonite erosion was identified by SKB to be a potential threat in the long term (ice age scenarios) Some researchers and NGO:s, claim that copper canisters will corrode 100 times faster than predicited by SKB NGO:s say that other alternatives as deep boreholes have not been seriously investigated
Controversies Some researchers and NGO:s claim that the KBS-3 method is not robust enough to strong earthquakes It is also claimed that 30 years of research is not sufficient and that we should wait for better solutions as transmutation
The implementer The authorities The municipalities What shall we do?