Jesus Saves Us
David I Samuel 17:4-7;33 (Joshua 11:21) When the Philistines came up against Israel for battle Goliath: 6 th cubits and a span in height or about 9 feet 6 inches tall Descended from Anak, who was the father of all the giants. Vs. 33 says that Goliath was a man of war since his youth. I Samuel 17:34-37 David said he wanted to go out and fight the giant Goliath Saul said that David was not prepared for battle David answered back that the LORD God of Israel had saved him from the paws of both lions and bears and that God would deliver the army of the Philistines into the hand of the armies of Israel. Saul tried to protect David by giving him (David) his (Saul’s) armor. David said that he had not tested the armor and it could not fit him.
Psalms of David Psalm 23 David said that he wasn’t afraid of what could happen to him, because he trusted in the LORD to save him. Psalm 27 David stated that the LORD is his light and his salvation; and that the he has strength because of this.
Paul Acts 9:1-18 (Romans 8:36; I Corinthians 4:11) When Jesus revealed himself to Saul of Tarsus, while Saul was on the road to Damascus Jesus blinded Saul and sent him to Ananias, a disciple, in Damascus. At first, Ananias was afraid to see Saul, because he had been persecuting Christians. But eventually Ananias healed Saul's sight. Acts 28:1-10 When Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Malta While there, the natives were showing unusual kindness, but while Paul was gathering sticks for the fire, a viper jumped up and latched onto Paul's hand The natives thought that Paul was some sort of a murderer who had escaped the perils of the sea, but had been given justice on land. But when he didn’t swell up they thought that he was some sort of god or something and they brought all the sick and lame and they were healed. But he denied that he was any kind of god.
Peter Matthew 14:22-33 When the other disciples and Peter, after feeding the 5000, saw someone walking towards them on the water of the Sea of Galilee At first, they thought that it was a ghost but then they realized that it was Jesus. Peter asked Jesus to tell him to walk out to him on the water. Peter walked a little ways but then he saw the billowing waves He fell through the water and cried out for Jesus to come and save him from drowning. Acts 12:5-11 After the death of James the son of Zebedee, brother of John, Peter was imprisoned and going to be killed by King Herod for teaching the word of God God sent an angel to release Peter from his bonds The angel had to hit Peter on the side to wake him up. He was released from his chains and they both got out past 16 guards of King Herod.
Destruction of Body and Soul Old Testament Examples: Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-28) The 450 Prophets of Baal (I Kings 18:17-46) Nebuchadnezzar and his proud spirit (Daniel 4:26-27,30-35) New Testament Examples: The two demon possessed men freed of their demons (Matthew 8:28-33) Jesus healed them by casting their demons into the swine and sending the swine into the sea. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:3-11) Herod’s death, God’s destruction of Herod’s proud spirit (Acts 12:20-24)
Saved Through Baptism Acts 2:41 (Baptism of the 3000) Acts 8:26-40 (Ethiopian Eunuch) Acts 16:25-34 (Philippian Jailer) Romans 6:4 I Peter 3:21 Romans 6:3 Ephesians 4:5 Mark 16:16