Advanced Topics in Algorithms SPRING 2002
TERM PROJECT Is worth 40% of your final grade Completed project with report is due in week th May, 2002 Has to be done individually only (no groups) Each person selects one topic from a given list
More…. Term Project There are FOUR phases to the project Each phase has a submission deadline For any questions/issues regarding a phase, contact the T.A. or the Professor well in advance. Last minute questions will not be encouraged DEADLINES ARE FINAL. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR LATE SUBMISSIONS
Project Phases and Deadlines Phase I; Topic Selection and proposal report. April 9 th, 2002 Phase II; Report/Paper on the Topic, Plan and Analysis. April 23 rd, 2002 Phase III; Documentation and Specifications. May 7 th, 2002 Phase IV; Project Presentation and Report. May 28 th, 2002
Phase 1(2%) All the Topics will be posted on the website by April 2 nd, Students have to go through the Topics and select one as their project. Topics will be selected on a first-come-first-serve basis. Each topic posted on the website has a description page, and some references.
Phase 1 ….. more Each student has to send an to Nirav at before April 9 th, 2002 about the choice of the topic. As soon as a topic is allotted to a student, its link will be deactivated. Students will be allotted only those topics that are active at that time. Topics once finalized will not be changed. A report and a brief understanding of the topic along with the a reason why you selected it must be submitted in class on April 9 th, 2002.
Phase 2(5%) A report or paper on the topic and the initial analysis of the project must be submitted in class by April 23 rd, The Report must include a thorough study of the topic, your analysis of the topic, suggested changes, and an analysis of how you will implement the problem.
Phase 3(8%) Documentation and Project Specifications must be submitted in class on May 7 th, Since you will have nearly completed your project; you are expected to submit a detailed documentation of the implementation Classes used Methods used Parts of the implementation completed
Phase 3….more Parts, classes and methods remaining to be implemented. Report on the errors in your code thus far. The entire source code written till that date.
Phase 4(25%) Project Presentation and Final Report; Due in class on May 28 th, Each student will present the project to Dr. Shokoufandeh and Nirav. Time for each presentation is 10 minutes.(5%) Presentation must include a running program, with examples.
Phase 4….. more The Final Report must include: Brief description of the topic Detailed Documentation Project Specifications Complete Source Code and Executable Code Including in-code documentation List of parts completed
Phase 4….more List of Errors and incorrect/unexpected operations Suggested Enhancements Sample execution Conclusion
Finally No points will be given to late submissions. Each person has to work on a different topic. Projects must be done in C++ only. You may need to use Linear Programming programs within your project. Links to sites that give such codes will be posted on the website. You can also use your own version (Do not waste time writing a program for that). ALL THE BEST.