211 Service A Human Services Call & Data Network
Overview What is 211? History of 211 Current National Status of 211 –Status in Illinois Benefits –Emergency Preparedness Considerations Next Steps
What is 211? Information and Referral phone line & web database dedicated to health & human services
What is 211? 211 Operational Models 1.Centralized/Single System single call center that provides service and manages system administration 2.Decentralized multiple call centers that operate independently (structures and functions) 3.Mixed or Hybrid Model Combines both a centralized and decentralized approach
History of 211 Originated in Atlanta, GA in 1997 at United Way Metropolitan Atlanta Campaign is co-sponsored by AIRS and United Ways Federal Legislation –Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved petition for use of in July 2000(United Way) –211 Calling Act (proposed, not enacted)
Current National Status of 211 As of April % Coverage 24 States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico >50% Coverage 15 States In Development Only 4 States: Illinois, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wyoming Courtesy of United Way Metropolitan Chicago
Only 4 of 50 states= 8%
Current National 211 Status 211 Access Type 76% of States have Land line Access 80% of States have Internet Access 22% of States have Wireless Access 50% of States have 24/7/ Service Statistics as of June 2006 * Land line access to is also available in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Source: June 2006, Public Policy Associates, Inc. Nationwide 211 Operations 244+ centers 50% United Ways 50% Not-for-Profits Courtesy United Way Metropolitan Chicago
Current National Status 2007 Calls totaled million, 27% higher than 2006 Call categories accurately reflect gaps and needs in society around the country
Status of 211 in Illinois Human Services 211 Collaboration Act (2003) Human Services 211 Collaboration Board made of 9 members Representatives from the: 1)Office of the Governor, 2)Illinois Commerce Commission, 3)Department of Children and Family Services, 4)Department of Healthcare and Family Services, 5)Department of Human Services, 6)Department of Public Health, 7)Department on Aging, 8)Department of Employment Security, 9)Department of Human Rights
Status of 211 in Illinois Mission of the Collaboration Board is to: 1.Implement 211 services within Illinois (within acting legislation); the referrals may also be part of a web database. 2.Establish standards for 211 deliveries in Illinois that are consistent with standards established by the National 211 Collaborative Board and the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems. 3.Establish pilot projects within Illinois that will serve as operational examples of how to implement 211 as a human services information and referral number. (current legislation) 4.The Board is to report to the Department of Human Services, the Governor, and the General Assembly on the use of 211 services in Illinois. (Source: ILGA)
Status of 211 in Illinois The Pilots (2008) –3 pilots 1) Quad Cities (East Moline, Moline, and Rock Island), 2) East St. Louis, and 3) Bloomington –Bloomington is the only pilot that is new in Illinois. Others are extensions of neighboring systems. The Regional Vision (2040) –Alignment with CMAP visions for the northeastern region –Improves Equity, Innovation, Intergovernmental coordination and planning, Improve health of residents
Benefits of 211 Reduce burden on 911 system –Emergency Preparedness Access to community information Share data collection in a region/state Enhance info for community planning and collaboration Assess needs and service gaps in communities Facilitate and coordinate human services Net Benefit is estimated to be $129 million first year and $1.246 billion over ten years Based on Hybrid Model (Calculations by Ray Marshall Human Resource Center, University of Texas at Austin) Transaction Costs of Information are lowered
Benefits of 211 When Disaster Strikes: Emergency Preparedness Flooding Incidents –June 2008 Levees break along Mississippi River (IL Western Counties) –Sept Hurricane Ike’s impact in DuPage County/O’Hare Airport Hurricane Katrina & Rita –Monroe, LA set up 211 operations during disaster –211 response from California
Benefits of 211 California Wildfires –November 2008 (recent) –October 2007 –In a matter of 5 days between October 21-25th, ,000 calls were handled by 211 operators, with one day peaking at 41,000 calls Majority of the reasons for calls were split between: Evacuation (27%), Safe to return home (22%) and Information on fire updates (19%)
Benefits of 211 When Disaster Strikes: Emergency Preparedness 2004 Florida Hurricanes –Tropical Storm Bonnie, Hurricane Charley, Hurricane Frances, Hurricane, Hurricane Jeanne –211 center mapped call distribution by zip code to create a visual representation of most need during the time of Hurricane Charley. –Orlando 211 operating center categorized calls by volume: Disaster-related commodity shortages (17%), Canteen Services (13%), Emergency Water and Ice and Disaster Relief Assistance (24%).
Components of System Includes : Operating call centers –Physical location –Personnel Unit costs of calls Negotiated Contracts with Local Exchange Carriers. Systems integration of data Database and Network Management and Maintenance 211 Funding Sources: United Ways State/Federal Government –State General Funds –Dept of Health, Human Services, Child & Family –Dept of Homeland Security Local Government Private Foundations Universities
211 NY Broadcast: RNEWS.com 211 in Greater Rochester and Finger Lakes Region, NY, 11 County Region RNEWS VIDEO 211 IN FINGER LAKES REGION
Next Steps What can you do? –Inform people about 211 How? –Put your name on the sign-up sheet –Contact CMAP or UWMC members –Invite 211 regional advocates to your organization
Conclusion Thank you! For more information please contact CMAP Russell Pietrowiak Shana Alford United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Jack Kaplan