Avoiding the PowerPoint Penalty: Meaningful Use of Presentation Software in Pre-Service Education Barbara Chamberlin, Ph.D. Tammy Pandina Scot University of Virginia
Use Multiple Media Images, Video, Animation, and Sound — PowerPoint is not a blackboard.
Use Multiple Media As learning tool Mariah - 5th Grade As teaching tool K-12 and beyond
Use Multiple Media Eliminate lists Train for media integration Show how to integrate Show how to get media Google image source University-based image repositories (AP online, Virginia Center for Digital History)
Use as a Learning Tool Promote the creative development of presentations by learners.
Use as a Learning Tool Model for pre-service teachers to encourage hands on learning of kids. Use as a “mindtool” enhancing multiple forms of thinking. Promote project management, research and organization: improving authorship literacy. Encourage visual literacy. Use for assessment.assessment
Use as a Learning Tool Model for instructors. Use PowerPoint as a note-taking tool. Provide examples.
Facilitate Note-Taking Provide structure and room for participation and reflection.
Facilitate Active and Structured Note-Taking Handouts are OK! Give space Fill in the ______ Other ideas
Design the Best Instruction Prevent the software from driving instructional strategies.
Prevent Software from Driving Instructional Strategies Design away from the program Taxonomy of Animals Share presentation backstagebackstage PowerPoint doesn’t have to be the thing… just the guide to the thing
Meaningful Use of Presentation Software Use Multiple Media Use as a Learning Tool Facilitate Note-Taking Prevent the Software from Driving Instructional Strategies
Avoiding the PowerPoint Penalty: Meaningful Use of Presentation Software in Pre-Service Education Barbara Chamberlin, Ph.D. Tammy Pandina Scot