What’s the probability?????? 1.Log into your Glencoe online text 2.Complete the assigned self-check quiz online 3.You may use the hints as needed. 4.When the quiz has been completed, fill in the blanks to send it to me at yourself also. 5.Do NOT close your window until you make sure you have received your results. Use the online textbook to complete a Self-Check Quiz after the lesson. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Find the probability of independent and dependent events. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
What’s the Probability??????? 1.Log into your Glencoe online text 2.Watch all 3 assigned Tutor videos 3.Watch the assigned Dependent Events video 4.Play the game 5.Take the practice quiz on this site d/math/probability/ d/math/probability/ 6.Complete the online assigned self-check quiz online and YOURSELF and Mrs. Guidry at the following link 7.DO NOT close your quiz until you have verified receipt of your results on your . Watch the assigned 4 short videos then play an online game and take an online practice quiz. The summative assignment is to complete the Glencoe Self-Check quiz. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Find the probability of independent and dependent events. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
What’s the Probability???? 1.With your group choose a probability topic to research from the list provided by the teacher. If you have another idea, ask your teacher. 2.Plan how you will investigate the topic. (Will you interview students or will you complete the experiment? 3.Using the planning sheet, plan and gather the tools needed to complete the experiment and create the video. 4.With the iMovie app, create a movie showing your experiment, how your data was compiled, results, and an explanation of the results. REMEMBER the example videos we saw in class. 5.Save your movie by listing hour first, name of your experiment, and group number. Example: 3hr. GreenMarble.G4 6.Use the Send Anywhere app to transfer your iMovie to the computer. 7.Log into Blackboard, and upload your video as a File in the Discussion Board entitled Probability Video. Watch another math class’ video and answer the questions under the Probability Quiz link. Investigate a topic and find out the probability of different events taking place. The students will make a prediction, record their data, and create a video explaining the experiment and probability of their event taking place under different conditions. This task uses: Send Anywhere iMovie Learning Objective(s): Find the probability of independent and dependent events. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
Let’s go on a Probability Tour!!!!!! 1.Go to in your browser 2.Start the tour 3.The directions can be found at the bottom of the page (green button). Click on “How to Play” 4.Select 10 cities then “Get Started” 5.It is up to you which cities you choose. Look at the probability for each city. Think about the possible profit (revenue – expenses) and the probability of being successful. If you are unsuccessful in any city it will cost you. Decide if the risk is worth it!!! 6.Raise your hand when you have the “Results Complete” screen so I can add you to the leaderboard. 7.Use the Snipping tool to capture a screenshot of your results. Post it in the “Probability Tour” discussion board and answer the questions at the end of the game. Use complete sentences. 8.In the Discussion Board look at the other students’ posts and find a student that did better than you. Reply to their post by asking them for pointers. If you have the highest score, find someone with a lower score and give them an idea on how they can improve their score. 9.You may play as many times as you like. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! Complete a probability challenge on the Scholastic website and complete Some discussion questions on Blackboard. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Find the probability of independent and dependent events. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology You will complete a probability challenge on the Scholastic website and complete some discussion/feedback questions on Blackboard. Find the probability of independent and dependent events Students will investigate a topic and find out the probability of different events taking place. The students will make a prediction, record their data, and create a video explaining the experiment and probability of their event taking place under different conditions. Find the probability of independent and dependent events The students will watch the assigned 4 short videos then play an online game and take an online practice quiz. The summative assignment is to complete the Glencoe Self-Check quiz. Find the probability of independent and dependent events Students will use the online textbook to complete a Self-Check Quiz after the lesson. Find the probability of independent and dependent events Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement