Major Land Biomes 1. Tropical Rain Forest 2. Tropical Dry Forest 3


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Presentation transcript:

Major Land Biomes 1. Tropical Rain Forest 2. Tropical Dry Forest 3 Major Land Biomes 1. Tropical Rain Forest 2. Tropical Dry Forest 3. Tropical Savannah 4. Dessert 5. Temperate Grassland 6. Temperate Woodland and Shrubland 7. Temperate Forest 8. Northwestern Coniferous Forest 9. Boreal Forest 10. Tundra

The Different Types of Land Biomes

Guidelines to Follow on How To Do Your Research

Describe the type of biome assigned to work with your group – give a general description or background information of the topic

2.Explain the biotic and abiotic factors on the type of biome assigned. A. Dominant Plants – what type of plants live on this biome, describe the plants and how these are important for all the organism that thrive on this place. B. Dominant Wildlife – insect, prey, predators, fish (whether herbivores, carnivores, omnivores)

Abiotic factors type of climate (winter, summer, spring, fall) Precipitation-amount of rainfall humidity soil type

3. Geographic Distribution -which part of the different continent can you find this type of biome assigned for your group to work on

4. After you finish your research, you can create any of the following to present in class with your selected group members- Power point Visual Representation– create a model of how this look with examples of the biotic and abiotic factors in it Both power point and model

Due Dates Completed Project - February 20,2015 Class Presentation – February 23-27,2015