S O U T H F L O R I D A W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T D I S T R I C T Water Conditions Summary Jeff Kivett, PE, Division Director Operations, Engineering & Construction South Florida Water Management District Governing Board Meeting July 16, 2015
2015 WET SEASON: Below average for first 45 days DRY SEASON: Only January above average Dry Season ended 92% of average 2014 WET SEASON: May 26 th – Oct 4 th Near average (108%) DRY SEASON: May was 51% below average Dry Season 86% of average
SFWMD June 2015 Rainfall (02-Jun to 01-Jul) DISTRICT-WIDE: 6.09” (74% of Avg, or -2.17”) 3 All District rainfall areas, with the exception of the Upper Kissimmee, recorded below average rainfall for June 2015 Largest deficit is for Eastern Broward, with -6.67” Driest May-June since 2004
4 SFWMD Wet Season Rainfall (02-Jun to 14-Jul 2015) DISTRICT-WIDE: 8.19” (73% of Avg, or -3.02”) Upper Kissimmee is 5% above average Lower Kissimmee and East Caloosahatchee are less than 10% below average. All other District basins have a rainfall deficit for the wet season up to date Eastern Broward has a deficit of around 8.9” for this wet season
SFWMD July 2015 Rainfall (02-Jul to 13-Jul) DISTRICT-WIDE: 2.10” (71% of Avg, or -0.85”) 5 Lower Kissimmee and Southwest Coast basins are above average Rest of basins are all below average
South Florida SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Last Month Current Conditions 85% of the groundwater monitoring wells in Miami-Dade County are at the lowest 10 percent of past water elevations for their individual periods of record (not surprising because we typically never have this dry of conditions in the middle of July).
Jul 2015 Jul-Sep 2015 U. S. Seasonal Precipitation Outlook National Climate Prediction Center (CPC) The most-recent CPC precipitation outlooks for central & southern Florida indicate: - Increased chances of Below-Normal (B) rainfall for July, higher likelihood for Lake O and north - Equal chances of Above-Normal (A), Normal (N) & Below-Normal (B) rainfall for the 2015 wet season - Increased chances of Above-Normal rainfall for dry season Oct-Dec 2015 Posted 30-June-2015 Posted 18-June EC=Equal Chances 8 B A ~30 N 30-37
JunJul Aug Sep If we continue to follow 10 th percentile, Lake Okeechobee can be expected to cross into water shortage management zone +/- the week of August 10 th.
2015 WET SEASON DRY SEASON Low chance (<5%) stage rises above the Low Sub-band during most of the wet season. Higher chance (~8%) in Oct/Nov ~75% chance wet season stage is within or above the Baseflow Sub-band from Sep-Dec 50% chance stage falls in purple-shaded region
Water Shortage Preparedness Water Shortage Management Plans guide response activities. Similar to hurricane or flood response, water shortage managed through Emergency Management with specialized teams Increased public information and outreach on need for water conservation in the Lower East Coast Evaluating groundwater monitoring data from LEC utilities and USGS to identify any potential increase in chlorides as indication of salt water intrusion Monitoring operating levels in the STAs Initiating communications with major water user groups (utilities, agriculture, golf courses, Tribe) Water Shortage planning team meeting weekly
Everglades NP WCA-1 WCA-3A WCA-3B Lake Okeechobee EAA 2015 Operations Up to Date WCA-2A WCA-2B WCA-1, 2A, and 3A releases for water supply as needed 14 G200A S354 S351 S352 L. Okeechobee – maximum practical regulatory releases to WCA1, 2A, 3A NW Corner (G-404), Holey Land, and Rotenberger through STA1E/1W, STA2, and STA3/4 - May 1 – June , 31,700 acre-feet. G404 Lake Okeechobee regulatory releases to tide through L-8 and C-51 canals C10A Lake Okeechobee supplemental irrigation releases to LOSA, water supply to STAs and LEC urban areas
July: Locations hurricanes most likely form and prevailing tracks
Discussion? S-334 Spillway and S-356 Pump Station located on the L-29 (Tamiami) Canal. West of the intersection with the L-30 and L-31N canals.