Zoning Text Amendment AT Applicant: City of Union City Location: Citywide – ML Zoning District Request: Amend Chapter Article II of the Municipal Code to: Modify the permitted uses and performance standards to restrict outdoor storage under specified circumstances; Require that specified uses provide office and employee facilities in a completely enclosed building; and Provide for amortization of non-conforming uses in the Redevelopment Area.
Properties in ML District and RDA Area
Location – Horner/Veasy Area
Horner/Veasy Area Background January 2008 –Council adopted 45-day moratorium February 2008 – Extended to 22 months Infrastructure Study – Wilsey Ham Marketing Analysis – Keyser Marston Associates September 2008 – Council/Agency Board Directed staff to prepare General Plan and Zoning Ordinance amendments
Background April 2009 – City Council adopted General Plan Amendment AG AG established General Plan goals and policies for Horner/Veasy Area Encouraged successful light industrial infill development Overcome infrastructure challenges
Background Upon adoption of AG-01-09, Council directed staff to evaluate Zoning for Horner/Veasy Area and draft an amortization process for nonconforming uses The Council’s direction on amortization was a result of feedback from property owners that they would require additional time to cease nonconforming uses
Proposed Text Amendment Make pallet assembly a conditional rather than permitted use, and require all operations within an enclosed building; Require accessory office and employee facilities in an enclosed building for lumber yards, equipment rental, and RV sales, which are currently conditional uses; Delete contractor yards and corporation yards from conditional uses; make contractors businesses conditionally permitted with accessory outdoor storage;
Proposed Text Amendment Delete commercial and transit system vehicle storage yards, which are currently conditionally permitted uses; Establish new performance standard that requires all ML uses to be conducted in a completely enclosed building unless otherwise provided, which would prohibit outdoor uses other than parking or loading unless specifically allowed for particular uses.
Proposed Text Amendment Establish an amortization process for non- conforming uses in both the ML District and Redevelopment Project Area Amortization involves phasing out nonconforming uses, buildings, and structures over a set period of time to allow investments to be recovered Process could apply to legally and/or illegally established nonconforming uses
Proposed Text Amendment ECD Director would make decision to amortize a use and for how long based on specific factors, subject to appeal to the City Council If appealed, the Council will consider any additional information provided by property and business owners Nothing in Ordinance requires a use, building, or structure to be amortized
General Plan Policy The proposed Amendment would restrict outdoor storage and yard uses and require office and employee facilities in enclosed buildings Purpose of ML land use designation is to provide for manufacturing and industrial uses with no or very low nuisance characteristics The proposed Text Amendment is consistent with the General Plan goals and policies for the ML District at- large as well as those established for the Horner/Veasy Area as part of AG-01-09
Planning Commission Public Hearing PC asked clarifying questions regarding amortization process Public comments received opposing amendment because property owner believes Horner/Veasy Area is well suited to truck parking due to site constraints PC recommended approval on a 3-1 vote
Recommendation The proposed Amendment is consistent with General Plan goals and polices that encourage high quality, employment intensive, low nuisance industrial development and would implement the Horner/Veasy General Plan goals and policies Staff recommends that the City Council introduce the attached Ordinance and hold a public hearing for Zoning Text Amendment, AT-03-09, to amend Chapter Article II of the Municipal Code, the ML (Light Industrial) Zoning District regulations as shown in Exhibit A