10-Feb-00 CERN HepCCC Grid Initiative ATLAS meeting – 16 February 2000 Les Robertson CERN/IT
CERN 16-feb-00 - #2les robertson - cern/it Why Regional Centres? Bring computing facilities closer to home final analysis on a compact cluster in the physics department Exploit established computing expertise & infrastructure Reduce dependence on links to CERN full ESD available nearby - through a fat, fast, reliable network link Tap funding sources not otherwise available to HEP Devolve control over resource allocation national interests? regional interests? at the expense of physics interests?
CERN 16-feb-00 - #3les robertson - cern/it Department Desktop The MONARC RC Topology CERN – Tier 0 MONARC report: Tier 1 FNAL RAL IN2P3 622 Mbps 2.5 Gbps 622 Mbps 155 mbps Tier2 Lab a Uni b Lab c Uni n
CERN 16-feb-00 - #4les robertson - cern/it The problem Scalability Thousands of processors, thousands of disks, PetaBytes of data, Terabits/second of I/O bandwidth, …. Wide-area distribution WANs are and will be 1% of LANs Distribute, replicate, cache, synchronise the data Multiple ownership, policies, …. integration of this amorphous collection of Regional Centres With some attempt at optimisation Adaptability We shall only know how analysis is done once the data arrives
CERN 16-feb-00 - #5les robertson - cern/it The R&D needed Local Computing fabric management Auto-everything Installation, configuration, monitoring, diagnosing, self- healing, …. Mass storage management Wide-area data management workload management application monitoring
CERN 16-feb-00 - #6les robertson - cern/it Opportunities EU-US joint project initiative Initial meeting Bruxelles 1997 (Gagliardi-CERN, Messina- CALTECH) Workshop Annapolis - September 1999 Large Scientific Databases Visit of G. Metakides to CERN – November 1999 HEPCCC discussion of possible Data Grid project HEPCCC chairman asked CERN-IT to coordinate efforts January 11 – meeting at CERN of HEP representatives of various member states January 17 – meeting in Bruxelles (Gagliardi, Messina, Metakides) HEP invited to submit an outline proposal for a data intensive grid
CERN 16-feb-00 - #7les robertson - cern/it More background Change of orientation of US Meta-computing activity From inter-connected super-computers ….. towards a more general concept of a computational Grid (The Grid – Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman) US – Particle Physics Data Grid (PPDG) Initiation of a Grid technology evaluation project in INFN UK proposal for funding for a prototype grid GriPhyN – data grid proposal being prepared for NSF IT research funds NASA Information Processing Grid February 15 – HEPCCC initiative outline sent to EU
CERN 16-feb-00 - #8les robertson - cern/it Grid Technology Globus project Basic middleware Authentication Information service Resource management Good basis to build on Much work to be done Few production quality implementations
CERN 16-feb-00 - #9les robertson - cern/it Current Status Forming a committee of potential partners LHC software coordinators & MONARC observers Workshop on 7 March at CERN Need to identify at least one other science And industrial participation Technical team to define the work programme Need to coordinate the many technical activities And participate actively in the Grid Forum