Assist. Prof.Surirat Sriswasdi Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University 12 October 2005
Regional Anesthesia Peripheral nerve block Plexus block Neuraxial block
Advantage Less stress response Provide postoperative pain Early ambulation
Local Anesthetic Agents Lidocaine Bupivacaine Ropivacaine Levobupivacaine
Local Anesthetics Toxicity Tissue toxicity Systemic toxicity - Central - Cardiovascular
Central Nervous System Toxicity Metallic taste Light headeness Tinnitus Visual disturbance Numbness of tongue & lips
Central Nervous System Toxicity (cont.) Muscle twitching Loss of consciousness Grand mal seizures Coma
Treatment Stop injection Administration O 2 Anticonvulsant Maintain airway
Cardiovascular toxicity Ventricular contractility Refractory cardiac arrhythmia Loss of peripheral vascular tone
Treatment Oxygen Fluid Vasopressor Amiodarone Prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Plexus Blockade Interscalene block - Ipsilateral phrenic nerve block (100%)
Supraclavicular block - Pneumothorax ( %) Plexus Blockade (cont.)
Bier’s block - Tourniquet failure (systemic toxicity) Plexus Blockade (cont.)
Neuraxial Block Spinal block Epidural block
Spinal Block Intraoperative complication - Hypotension - Bradycardia - Nausea / vomiting - Dyspnea - Bezold Jarisch reflex (severe bradycardia - hypotension)
- Urinary retention - Post dural puncture headache - Neurological impairment Transient radicular irritation ( TRI) Transient neurological syndrome (TNS) - Infection - Backache Postoperative complication Spinal Block (cont.)
TRI / TNS Subarachnoid injection 5% lidocaine Less with bupivacaine Lithotomy position increase risk Chloroprocaine - Sensory deficit - Motor deficit
Epidural Block Intraoperative complication - Unintentional dural puncture - Subarachnoid injection - Intravascular injection - Local anesthetic overdose
Epidural Block (cont.) Postoperative complication - Direct spinal cord injury - Hematoma - Infection
Epidural Block with Catheter Catheter problem - Insert into epidural vein - Break off or become knotted - Cannulation subarachnoid space - Infection
Thank You