SOURCE:2014 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AUTHER: MINGLIU LIU, DESHI LI, HAILI MAO SPEAKER: JIAN-MING HONG A Design and Implementationof Information Service Architecture for Resource-Constraint Devices in Internet of Things 1
Introduction(1/4) With the emergence of the Internet, people began to communicate with each other by browsing the web, sending , playing online games and so on. One is there are massive data generated in the IoT. The data mainly consist of two parts: request messages perception data 3
Introduction(2/4) Smart devices in IoT are capable of collecting information about themselves, their environment, and associated devices. What’s more, different devices would transmit information through different communication protocols, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, or Zigbee. Most of devices are resource-constrained, they have limited capacity in battery, bandwidth, storage and computation 4
Introduction(3/4) We remove most part of computing and storing to the Cloud, which can lighten the burden of processing for smart devices. As a representative of lightweight design protocol, REST is used in the architecture for getting access to resources. 5
Introduction(4/4) When considering a total process of information service, there are several steps include collection of information, analyzing information, obtaining information, management of information and presentation of information 6
The information service architecture for IOT(1/5) From above discussion, we know that in order to complete a process of information service, five steps should be taken into consideration. Information of the environment should be collected by sensors. Consumers can send their request for a service to the service provider through their smart devices. Targeting some particular devices for offering service Management of information. Service provider would offer results to customers. 7
The information service architecture for IOT(2/5) 8 Combined with the consideration of resource- constrained characteristic of smart device in IoT, we propose a design of information service architecture.
The information service architecture for IOT(3/5) 9 Perception layer : There are two types of devices in this layer, sensors and actors. Network layer : focuses on connecting all the devices. they are responsible for sending all the information data include user’s requests for service and sensor perceived information. We divided the network layer into two parts, gateway and the Internet.
The information service architecture for IOT(4/5) 10 Service layer: contains the service provider and sensor database.
The information service architecture for IOT(5/5) 11 process layer: Is composed by several distributed servers The computing burden of smart devices is highly reduced. Information resource can be obtained directly from the Cloud cache
Device discovery:A case study(1/2) 12
Device discovery:A case study(2/2) 13 In this scenario, the searching for monitoring camera was determined after parsing. Moreover,Cloud would find out the URI of video gathered by the camera. When service provider received the related information of sensors returned by Cloud, it asked a proxy for help to get access to the monitor. Through the URI, video can be showed on mobile phone.
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(1/6) 14 When we reviewed the entire process of requesting and providing services, we find two implementation steps for an application of information service. One is to access the resource of particular smart devices; another is to present the resource to client in a suitable way.
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(2/6) 15 Analysis of transmission methods in resourceconstrained condition Response time refers to the time from a request sent by client to a response obtained by the client. It contains three part of delay. t1 is used to respect for sending delay, t2 stands for transmission delay, and t3 is used as delay for system processing.
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(3/6) 16 In the experiment, we use Apache Tomcat as the web server, and HTC G10 as smart device of the client with a limitation of bandwidth to 384Kbps.
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(4/6) 17
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(5/6) 18 Implementation of information service
Implementation of information searchingand sharing services(6/6) 19 Information sharing is another application of information service. We can get information of an environment through a client who owns the resource.
Conclusion 20 We compare the methods for information transmission in resource-constrained condition. Results of the comparison show that REST is more suitable for information transmission in IoT. Besides, we implement two kinds of information services including the information searching and sharing according to the proposed architecture and transmission method.