Pine Creek High School Band Booster Organization June 2, 2014
Support the instrumental music program and the students involved Fundraising Moral support – for the students and the director!! Donations – food, supplies, etc. Even the smallest thing makes a difference! What do the Boosters do?
Please be sure your is in Infinite Campus – this is the way Mrs. Margrave contacts families Please fill out one of the sign up sheets so we can get the list finalized 2014 Pine Creek Eagle Marching Band – Facebook page Remind 101 – text message based program that does not share phone numbers Send text to With the Contact
please visit and click on the button for “Teachers.” Then scroll down until you reach “Kate Margrave.” Click on my name, and you will be directed to my This is where you will find the drill, coordinate sheets, and any other important documents like a copy of the schedule for the year and any permission forms Mrs. Margrave’s website
Where students learn how to march and play and much of the music for the show July 28 to August 8 – no weekends (please refer to the schedule) Each day one section will bring snacks for the band – the dates for these will be determined Uniform fitting End of camp picnic Band Camp
$250 band fee T-shirt Registration fees Meals for all competitions Drill Music $25 – marching shoes Band fees
Part of the letter Posted on Mrs. Margrave’s site All camp days/rehearsals/performances are mandatory Reminder – band is a graded class and these activities are part of the class Marching Band Schedule
Drivers for the truck Pit Crew Chaperones – football games, compeitions Fundraising Seamstress Preparing competition food Tag Day Fall Craft Bazaar Senior night Chairpersons for different projects and events Tailgate night How can you help?
We are always looking for new and different fundraisers Tag Day Band Bazaar We need help in this area because the band is grow and Mrs. Margrave wants to keep the band fee low Most other schools in the state have band fees of $500 or more Because the band is growing, we need to add to what we have in some places Uniforms Instruments Storage And we would like to look at the idea of purchasing a Pine Creek band trailer instead of spending approximately $300 a rental Fundraising
Ronny Mauna – Chairman of the Booster Organization, Bazaar contact Kate Margrave – Instrumental Music Director Ed Maitland – Fundraising Kelly Marchbank – Fundraising Derek Astle – webmaster Please contact us with ideas, questions or anything else!! Contact information