2-Point Perspective Project # 4
Warm Up: Day One At the top of your paper, write “2 Point Perspective.” Divide your paper into three sections, so it looks like this:
Warm Up Continued... On the bottom half of your page, write the following: 1. Linear perspective-- Artists use orthogonal, vertical, and horizontal lines to figure out the size and shape of geometric objects point perspective-- Type of perspective where lines radiate from two different vanishing points.
Today’s lesson Today, we will practice drawing shapes and letters in 2-Point perspective. We will be doing a LOT of erasing! Two Point Perspective Tutorial Now… Let’s make it even more challenging! Drawing Letters Using Two Point Perspective
Clean Up For our next project, we will use Two Point Perspective to design our names graffitti style! Everyone: Make sure your work and devices are put away! Supplies: Return rulers to the counter, and return any pencils or erasers to me! Trash: Make a loop around the table to make sure all trash is thrown away. Empty bins, if needed. Papers: Stack handouts at your seat for the next class.
Warm Up: Day 2 1. If you have a device you can use, try to log in to your Google Apps for Education account. 2. Student 3. First two letters of your first name, first two letters of your last name, and birthday and month. 4. Example: andi0805
Today’s Assignment 1. Today, we will do two things--we will practice the techniques we learned yesterday, and we will submit our One Point Perspective drawings to Google Classroom. 2. One group at a time will use the class Chromebooks or their devices to sign into the Visual Arts classroom and follow the directions to submit an assignment. 3. While I am helping them, others will practice Two Point Perspective drawing using the handouts at each table as a guide. In your notebooks, you must complete at least two practices.
Signing in to Google Classroom 1. Log into Google using your school Google Apps for Education account (GAFE). 2. Hint: It’s like logging in to the wifi! 3. Go to classroom.google.com 4. Click the + 5. Click “Join” 6. Code: ntqlpi 7. Click on the assignment, and follow the directions in the Doc.
Day 3: Warm Up… Do one at a time! 1. Keepers: Pass out the portfolios. 2. Supplies: Once the Keeper sits, pass out rulers. 3. Papers: Once the Supplies person is seated, pass out papers. 4. Everyone: Draw a horizon line and two vanishing points on your horizontal paper.
Today’s assignment 1. T oday, you are going to lightly sketch a corner building. 2. The building will fill most of your page. 3. While you are sketching the building, bricks, and architectural details, I will finish helping groups log on to Google Classroom and upload their One Point Perspective drawings.
A finished student example
Another finished example
Steps 1. On the left side of your horizon line, draw a vertical line that goes above and below the line, almost to the top and bottom of the page. 2. Create your Two point perspective box (Cheat sheets are on the table). 3. Lightly sketch bricks on your building (they will slant towards the vanishing points. 4. Do not add your name today… but you may lightly sketch in objects such as signs, windows, doors, etc.
Day 4: Warm Up In the upper left column of your notes, write “Graffiti Terms.” 1. Tag-- 2. Throw-Up-- 3. Piece-- 4. Burner-- Watch the video here: Graffiti TermsGraffiti Terms
Today’s Assignment 1. Today, you will add graffiti to the wall you have drawn. 2. You may write your name or a teacher-approved nickname. 3. Before adding your words to your drawing, practice writing your name in at least two fonts in your sketchbook. 4. When you finish, you will outline your drawing with marker and add color.
Sample Font
Day 5: Wrap Up 1. Today, we will ink and color our drawings! 2. Consider mixed media-- Color your buildings and background with neutral shades in crayon or colored pencil. Color your graffiti with bright markers! 3. Since today is a wrap-up day, you may listen to music using your headphones and devices. 4. Devices must be clearly visible on the table, music must be at a moderate volume, and devices may only be used for classroom reference or music. No videos!