MITT MADISON INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY TEAM Presentation to Board of Education April 29, 2014
MITT Council Purpose: The purpose of this council is to consider how to leverage technology in order to enhance instruction and assessment with the Madison Vision and 21 st Century Capacities at the forefront of this work. The council is comprised of selected administrators, technology staff, library media specialists and teachers representing all grade levels.
MITT Council Sub-groups What are the tools and how will we use them to transform lessons and impact student learning? To find answers to this two part question, the committee was divided into two sub-groups: DevicesInstructional Use of Technology The district has invested in the development of technology. There is a flexible infrastructure with sufficient capacity in the buildings. The Device sub-group will consider devices primarily for student use. The Instructional Use of Technology sub-group will put this technology to work to support instruction.
Device Sub-Group: Arthur Sickle – Sub-group Facilitator TJ Salutari Julie Phelps Kathryn Hart Drew Archbald Dawn Fiorelli Scott Mongillo Rita Boland Michael Kiefer Cindy Twiss Instructional Use of Technology Sub-Group: Gail Dahling-Hench – Sub-group Facilitator Sandra Bizier Michael Ginsburg Lauren Ramondetta Minette Junkins Michael Kiefer Paul Mezick Michelle Rindfleish Leslie Lopez Dave Tommaso
Goal for Device sub-group To determine which devices are appropriate to support student instruction by grade level, and get as many of them into the hands of kids as possible.
MITT Device Sub-group Discussion topics: ●1:1 or BYOD ●Current Devices ●The district’s commitment to Google Apps for Education ●SBAC Testing ●Device Comparison ■Desktops ■Laptops ■Chromebooks ■iPads
Device Considerations Number of Student Devices in District (Existing Investment) Cost per unit Other Cost Considerations (TCO): a. Warranty Service b. Service in house c. Software Costs (antivirus, Office, Windows) Obsolescence Cycle Multiple User Device Support Considerations: a. Manageability b. Software License Management c. End User Support Burden Mobility / Battery Life Internet / Cloud Access Access to District Servers Local Device Storage Teacher Learning Curve / Training SBAC Considerations Flash Capability Camera Info: a. Web Cam b. Video Recording c. Still Photographs Projection
Device Discussion The committee overall agreed that iPad’s are not ideal as they are intended to be a single user device. Sharing iPads between multiple users is a management challenge. Management overhead is very high. Desktops require desk space and wiring and with limited space, the committee agreed a cart full of devices that can roll into a classroom is a better option. Committee members recognized the strengths of Chromebooks. The committee identified the following pros and the cons of Chromebooks:
Chromebook Pros ●Cost ●Cloud-based storage ●Fast start-up time ●Integration with Google Apps ●Management ●Security ●Printing ●Battery Life ●Portability / lightweight ●Multi-user environment ●Full keyboard / SBAC testing Cons ●Cloud-based Storage ●No access to district network ●Internet connection required ●No software is installed on the device ●Web cam
Device Recommendation by Grade Span Overall the committee agreed that Chromebooks have significant advantages over the other devices considered.
Multi-Year Purchasing Plan Elementary School first priority One 3rd Grade cart and one 4th Grade cart per elementary school Middle schools two carts per grade level High school one cart per department (prioritize core areas first) The English Department is currently involved in the pilot program. One cart = 25 units
Chromebook Pilot - Journalism
MITT Instructional Use of Technology Sub-group Members of the Instructional Use of Technology sub-group met on April 3rd and crafted the following belief statements: All students are digital learners and deserve a high quality education that includes digital learning. All students should use devices to ask the right questions, connect to the world with seeking thoughts and information to inform their curiosity. All students should be the center of their learning experiences by making real world connections, as teachers guide students in answering their inquiries. All students should be able to reach their individual learning potential with a wide variety of appropriate digital resources. All students are provided with relevant high quality digital content, materials and authentic learning experiences. All students can identify learning through option and innovation, voice and choice within and outside of the school day. All students should think critically and make responsible decisions as a digital citizen. All students should respond to the thoughts of others with a respect for a worldwide audience. All students should progress toward learning goals by leveraging a variety of 21st century capacities with digital context.
MITT Instructional Use of Technology Sub- group The sub-group started to build a bank of tools and resources that support each of the 21 st century capacities. Those members present supported the Device sub- groups decision on Chromebooks. Most of the instructional resources are located on the Internet and Chromebooks provide a speedy avenue to access them.