Analyze the military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary war.
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption and implementation of the United States Constitution. a. Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays’ Rebellion led to a call for a stronger central government. b. Evaluate the major arguments of the anti- Federalists and Federalists during the debate on ratification of the Constitution as put forth in The Federalist concerning form of government, factions, checks and balances, and the power of the executive, including the roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.
Articles of Confederation…Ooops 1777 Delegates of Second Continental Congress create A of C First Constitution Governing document of United States Congress was Created Legislative body made up of representatives from each state
Roles? Office of chief executive President Federal Courts Judicial System Created an army Could ask for money, could not tax! Overall the A of C were very weak Had no real power
Rebellion, 1787 States could raise taxes, not the Feds Taxes is how the gov’t makes money Daniel Shays Farmer from Massachusetts Protested state taxes Lead 1,000 men in storming a Federal Arsenal Federal Troops had no incentive to stop Shays
Result Congress decides the A of C are too weak No real Power Congress calls for the revision of to constitution We need a make-over Leads to the Constitutional convention of 1787 James Madison writes new Constitution
Federalists Anti-Federalists Big Government Citizens are not capable of leading themselves Supported the Constitution Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay Small Government Citizens should be able to fend for themselves Did not support the Constitution Agreed with the Bill of Rights Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams and Richard Henry Lee (remember the Lee) Rivalries
ACAPS A group of letters written to support the ratification of the Constitution. A = Author Who wrote the article? C = Context When and where was it created? A = Audience Who was the article written for? P = Purpose Reasons for creation? S = Significance Main idea? What was important? Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison Use ACAPS to analyze the section of the Federalist Papers. Explain each answer! Federalist Papers