REVIEW - PRESIDENTS Founding Fathers
REVIEW - PRESIDENTS Manifest Destiny
REVIEW - PRESIDENTS Civil War, Reconstruction, Gilded Age
REVIEW - PRESIDENTS Turn of the Century, Imperialism, World War, Progressivism, Depression, and New Deal
REVIEW - PRESIDENTS World War II, Cold War, and Civil Rights
REVIEW - PRESIDENTS Globalization and Superpower
1948 ELECTION Harry Truman (D) defeats Thomas E. Dewey (R) and J. Strom Thurmond (INDP) Truman gets 303 Electoral Votes, Dewey 189, Thurmond 39 Issues: 22 nd Amendment – limiting presidential terms Division among northern and southern Democrats Berlin Airlift Civil War in China What to do with Europe and Korea?
1988 ELECTION George H. W. Bush (R) defeats Michael Dukakis (D) Bush gets 426 Electoral Votes, Dukakis Issues: Economic improvement (or morale) under Reagan helps Bush win Fall of Berlin Wall and Communism Tiananmen Square Incident Stock Market Crash of 1987
1992 ELECTION William (Bill) Clinton (D) defeats George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot Clinton wins 370 Electoral Votes, Bush 168, Perot 0 Issues: Persian Gulf War against Iraq Bush raising taxes after promising not to After effects of recession
1996 ELECTION Bill Clinton defeats Robert (Bob) Dole (R) Clinton wins 379 Electoral Votes, Dole Issues: Dotcom Economic Boom Widespread Internet Oklahoma City Bombing Waco standoff
2000 ELECTION George W. Bush (R) defeats Albert Gore Jr. (D) and Ralph Nader (Green) Bush wins 271 Electoral Votes, Gore 266 Bush – son of 41 st President, Gore – Clinton’s VP Issues: Florida’s Electoral Votes Closest Election since 1876 Gore won popular vote but lost electoral vote Impeachment charges against Clinton Improved economy, government surplus
2004 ELECTION George W. Bush defeats John Kerry (D) Bush wins 286 Electoral Votes, Kerry wins 251, John Edwards gets 1 accidental vote from Minnesota Issues: Debate over the electoral votes in Ohio, Kerry concedes state Bush and Kerry set record for most votes for any candidate in history War on Terrorism 9/11 Effects
2008 ELECTION Barack Obama (D) defeats John McCain (R) Obama wins 365 Electoral Votes, McCain Issues: 9 states change political allegiance and vote for Obama Obama sets record for most votes in history with million Oncoming Great Recession Bailouts of business by government Iraq War War on Terrorism
2012 ELECTION Barack Obama defeats W. Mitt Romney (R) Obama wins 332 Electoral Votes, Romney Issues: Reapportionment of Electoral Votes (8 states gain votes, 10 states lose votes after census) Great Recession Job Growth Killing of Osama bin Laden Removal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan
ASSIGNMENT The best way to look at 1988 to today is to figure out how you would tell it Billy Joel Born in 1949 In 1989, a mid-life crisis combined with a conversation led to a reflection Joel’s reflections led to the song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire” 119 different terms in the song Described as a “term paper written the night before it was due” Your assignment is to write 2 more verses, one for the 1990s and one for the 2000s to finish the song Due next class