Using LPM in eDiscovery Business Management Content Coordinating Team Business Management Content Coordinating Team
Panelists Beth Patterson – Chief Legal & Technology Services Officer at Allens Joy Murao – Founder & Principal Consultant, Practice Aligned Resources LLC Steven Clark, Director of Litigation Support at Lathrop & Gage
Session Parameters Working with Adobe Connect Screen Management Q&A Box Recorded Session Housekeeping Items
What is it? Why use it? How has it been used in practice? What are the major benefits? What tools are out there to help? What training is available? Discussion Items
What is it? Why use it? When to use it? What & Why LPM
How have you used it in practice? “It’s the Stories You Tell”…
What tools are out there to help? Tools
What Training is Available? Training
Closing Thoughts & Q/A a1edde-9b01-442b-9df9-c987cded7db1 a1edde-9b01-442b-9df9-c987cded7db1
If you would like to connect with any of our panelists to discuss this topic further, please feel free to connect with them: Beth Patterson: Joy Murao: Steve Clark: Michael Boggs: Thank You!