Technology Procedures Mrs. Trudden Mrs. Miskimins
Your Technology Teacher Image from:
Meet Mrs. Trudden
Meet Mrs. Goulet
Do Your BEST in Technology class. Be a SpecTECHular Student
Be a SpecTECHular Student during Set-up...
Procedures for Set-Up Always take assigned number laptop....always Carry with 2 a lunch tray Keep flat on the desk always Apple stem facing you Lift lid open carefully
Procedures for Set-Up Keep chairs pushed in Close by two corners Push chair in and then carry laptop Listen for directions No Bathroom Breaks
Procedures for Set-Up Login and Password Log in with student number 14s100 username tab 14s100 password return
Be a SpecTECHular Student during Demonstration...
Procedures for Demonstration Listening Position Speaker Power, VOICES OFF Hands off computer...hand warmers Be prepared to participate No bathroom breaks
Be a SpecTECHular Student during Activity time...
Procedures for Activity Time Pay attention to task Follow directions Ask 3 before Me!! Participate if you are working in a group Bathroom breaks allowed Completion of task Whisper voices
Be a SpecTECHular Student during Clean up time...
Procedures for Clean Up Time Completing task Saving/Printing/Quitting Following directions Logging out Flip your index card to the next class. Returning laptops to cart carefully No bathroom breaks
Be a SpecTECHular Student during Technology Class by following these procedures...
and we will all be happy...