F1. 2 3 Designed to give you knowledge and application of: Section A: Business organisational structure, governance & management A1. The business organisation.


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Presentation transcript:



3 Designed to give you knowledge and application of: Section A: Business organisational structure, governance & management A1. The business organisation & its structure A3. Organisational culture in business A5. Information technology & information systems in business A7. Business ethics & ethical behavior A8. Governance & social responsibility in business

4 Learning Outcomes A5: Information technology & information systems in business  Types of information technology and information systems  Attributes of good quality information  How information needs differ for different levels (Strategic, tactical, operational)  Different sources of internal and external information.  Main features of information systems.

5 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS Store, retrieve and analyse the data of an organisation INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ensure that the right information is available to the right person at the right time Transaction Processing Systems Record and process routine transactions Management information systems Generate reports used by management / executives Decision support systems Help management / executives make decisions in situations of high uncertainty Office automation systems Perform traditional paper based tasks electronically Types of information technology & information systems

6 Economic Timely Useful Reliable Relevant Clear Complete Accurate Good quality information should be Attributes of good quality information Refer to Test Yourself 3 on page 71

7 Strategic decision making Sets long term strategy and objectives. Tactical decision making Implements policies & procedures to achieve long term objectives Operational decision making Covers the day to day activities of the organisation  Condition of economy  Government legislations  Demographic patterns  Condition / performance of assets  Performance / output of organisation’s workforce  Past sales and other results Requires information on  Production & quality level targets  Levels of actual outputs  Past sales data How information needs differ for different levels (Strategic, tactical, operational) Refer to Examples on pages 72 and 73

8 Organisation Internal Sources Information generated by organisation itself Finance department Marketing department Human resources department Production department External Sources Information generated by an outside party Customer feedback Trade association News papers / Magazines External consultant Sources of internal & external information

9 Information systems Transaction processing systems Management information systems Decision support systems Office automation systems  Speed  Accuracy  Recall ability  Volume  Cross referencing  Safety (prevent unauthorised transactions)  Report generating ability  Timeliness  Adaptability  Cost effectiveness  Flexibility  Versatility  Support  Betterment  Efficiency  Effectiveness  Standardisation Features of information systems

10 RECAP  Types of information technology and information systems  Attributes of good quality information  How information needs differ for different levels (Strategic, tactical, operational)  Different sources of internal and external information.  Main features of information systems.