SSBCNMN Extraordinary Meeting July 2015
WMNTS Operational Policy Consultant cover for advice and support for the transfer team The Referring Consultant is responsible for the initial resuscitation and stabilisation of the baby prior to the arrival of WMNTS team. This should involve discussion with the Consultant / middle grade doctor/ANNP at the Receiving Unit. When the WMNTS arrive at the referring unit, the Consultant/Middle grade doctor/ANNP should be present to give detailed handover of the baby’s condition. If the baby is critically ill and unstable, the consultant should be present on the NNU unless the middle grade doctor is very experienced and is competent to manage the current situation. If this is the case, the ultimate responsibility for the care of the infant still remains with the referring consultant. The WMNTS team will perform an assessment of the baby and then discuss the baby’s condition with the receiving Consultant / middle grade staff. If there are any changes to clinical management, the WMNTS will support the referring team in their implementation. At this point the baby is still under the care of the referring Consultant.
What Can WMNTS do to Improve the Process? Respect that there are unforeseen situations that a unit may have little control over Be involved with infusions Facilitate communication between referring & receiving consultants Support – not take over
What can Units do to Improve the Process? Review & readjust lines & tubes – repeat xray if necessary (e.g. very small babies, lines with inotropes) Make up infusions for transfer 1 st conversations with parents Increased consultant dialogue Understand it’s ‘stabilisation not scoop and run’ Consultant led care