Introducing our Issue to the Newly Elected Women LEAD for Health February 9, 2009 Katie McCall Women LEAD for Health, member
Overview Introduction to Women LEAD for Health Process and Goals for the Meetings Facts and Figures on the Issues Tips for your Visits
Mission & Goals of Women LEAD for Health 1.Promote widespread public understanding that universal health care is a women's issue 2.Promote the education and involvement of women and women's organizations in the health care reform debate 3.Increase the involvement of women of color, women with disabilities and younger women in the health care reform debate 4.Support public policy that improves health care access and moves us towards universal health care
Women LEAD for Health Health Care Reform Principles 1.Affordable, accessible, high quality, comprehensive 2.Comprehensive 3.Equitable and culturally and linguistically appropriate 4.Affordable 5.Fairly financed and controls costs 6.Community
Strategies Capacity-building Leadership development Policy advocacy
Who Are We?
Universal Health Care is a Women’s Issue Caregiving Unique Women’s Health Issues Employer-Sponsored Health Care Underinsured Women Uninsured Women
Universal Health Care is a Women’s Issue Universal health care for everyone is important to women’s health! 75%- 90% of all family personal health decisions are made by women Caregiving Issues Caregiving responsibilities leave women more at risk for disruptions in employment and thus loss of health insurance Unique Women’s Health Issues Women have higher rates of chronic diseases that cause limitation on activities of daily living Employer-Sponsored Health Care Issues Women are more likely to receive health care through dependent coverage, which is often the most expensive and vulnerable part of employer-sponsored health care
Access to Health Insurance: Race/Ethnicity Source: California Health Interview Survey
Access to Health Insurance: Type of Coverage Source: California Health caInterview Survey
Source of Care: Public Health Programs 7 in 10 adult Medi-Cal beneficiaries are women. ¾ of Medi-Cal beneficiaries are people of color. Medi-Cal covers 40% of pregnancy related services. Of California’s approximately 3 million adults with disabilities, 25% are covered at least in part by Medi-Cal.
Source of Care: Safety Net Providers About 2.6 million women utilize safety net providers. 33% of women who are uninsured rely on safety- net providers as their main source of care. 4 in 10 women receiving Medi-Cal rely on safety-net providers as their main source of care.
Planning a Legislative Visit Process: Contact new legislator’s office Schedule appointment Arrive on time! Bring Materials Follow-up “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Goals of the Meetings 1.Congratulate the new member on their election. 2.Introduce Women LEAD for Health and our Health Care Principles. 3.Encourage the use of a gender lens when considering Health Care Reform legislation. 4.Ask them to ensure that budget cuts don’t further hurt women and girls.
The Meeting: Before Make a decision about your strategy Practice what you want to say Staff member vs. legislator Be prompt, patient and flexible Prepare your materials
The Meeting: During Know your audience Introduce yourself – why are YOU there? Share a personal experience Speak in your own words Keep it local Meet the goals Offer to serve as a resource
The Meeting: After Leave behinds Take notes Thank yous Report back to Women LEAD for Health
Materials Women LEAD for Health (fact sheet) Universal Health Care is a Women’s Issue (fact sheet) Report back form Evaluation All materials are available at
THANK YOU! Katie McCall Women LEAD for Health, member