Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 Stronger Families Programme DCLG Troubled Families Programme Identifying, tracking and supporting 4,925 high cost families with multiple problems Working with the whole family Tackling Domestic Abuse Tackling housing and debt Finding work-gaining skills and confidence Training for front line workers
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 Who is included? Families with at least 2 serious problems Crime and ASB School attendance and behaviour Children who need help Out of work or severe debts Domestic abuse Poor mental health or substance misuse Full details of the criteria for inclusion are in the Local Outcome Plan
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 The Phase 2 Criteria – all national … with local planning Education Children who have not been attending school regularly Out of Work Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people NEET / at risk of worklessness Dom. Violence Families affected by domestic violence and abuse Children Children who need help CPP/CiN Health Poor mental health or substance misuse Offending Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 Stronger Families – in Kirklees
“Families in the programme have on average had 9 significant problems. We know sometimes even one of these problems like long term unemployment or domestic violence- can knock a family off their feet. But to have 9 problems can set them back an entire generation. A significant proportion of troubled families contain very vulnerable children”. Louise Case July 2015
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 The principals of FI working The 5 Family Intervention Factors One worker dedicated to a family Practical hands on Support Persistent, assertive and challenging Consider the family as a whole Common purpose and agreed action
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 Impact On Families Off benefits and into paid work > £104,000 better off – through claiming correct benefits and debts reduced Children in school, better sleep patterns able to concentrate in school Home conditions improved- isolation reduced Improved relationships and reduced violence at home Parent in control at home and more confident
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 How can I help? Tell us about families who are eligible Build confidence Take account of the needs of all family members Coordinate intervention Provide evidence of progress
Stronger FamiliesPhase /15 Phase /20 Stronger Kirklees Key contacts Local process to follow: FNAT, single assessment etc Where to go for more information