K ANDINSKY – A BSTRACT A RT Russian painter and printmaker ( ) He is credited with painting the first modern abstract works of art. Kandinsky did not start painting until the age of thirty. In his paintings he was concerned with elements of art such as line, shape, and color. Interesting Fact - Music had a huge influence on his work.
K ANDINSKY – A BSTRACT A RT Composition VIII, 1923
K ANDINSKY – A BSTRACT A RT Composition IX, 1936
K ANDINSKY – A BSTRACT A RT Composition X, 1939
S TUDENT P ROJECT O BJECTIVES : To create a three-dimensional work inspired by the art of Kandinsky. Must be at least 20”. Must contain elements of line, shape, and color. (Look at example). Mediums- Cardboard, Plaster, Wire, and Paint. It is Abstract, but must be visually appealing with an interesting sense of design and composition. (Don’t just throw together!- Sketch out concept).