Greater London Authority Muge Dindjer Social Policy Manager Towards an Older People’s Strategy for London: a draft Mayoral strategy for consultation.


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Presentation transcript:

Greater London Authority Muge Dindjer Social Policy Manager Towards an Older People’s Strategy for London: a draft Mayoral strategy for consultation

Demography of London’s Older people Almost 16% of London’s pop m Almost a quarter of a million over 80 Increase in number of older people BAME Londoners over 65 projected to increase by 50% between 2001 and 2016 More people living alone Expectations of old age

Choice Control Contribution Negative perceptions Diversity Financial security Mayor’s Vision

1.Challenging perceptions & promoting the contribution of older people 2.Pensions and income 3.Supporting discretionary services 4.Promoting good quality social care Mayor’s key priorities

Other areas the strategy covers? Engaging with older Londoners Age equality - leading by example Access to employment Housing and homelessness Culture e-Government and access to new technology Transport Crime and personal safety Environment

Challenging perceptions & promoting the contribution of older people Policy Statement –The Mayor is committed to ensuring that the positive contribution of older people to London’s well-being is recognised and valued and that steps are taken to counter negative perceptions and discrimination

Proposals Cultural events GLA publications Single Equalities Act Consulting with older people GLA as employer

Pensions and Income Policy Statement –The Mayor is committed to action to reduce pensioner poverty in London

campaign to increase take up of pension credit reform of tax relief on private pensions reform of state pension employment Key proposals

Supporting discretionary services Policy Statement –The Mayor will work with partners to ensure local community services are supported to improve older people’s quality of life

What are discretionary services and how can they be protected in tight financial budget rounds at local level Funding Planning Provision Issues

Key proposals Mapping services Influence modernisation agenda Influence Local Area Agreements and Local Strategic Partnerships Work with services providers Freedom pass

Promoting good quality social care Policy Statement –The Mayor will use his own powers and work with partners to secure improvements in the quality and availability of social care and health services for older Londoners

Issues Market failure: balance of care Lack of flexible services Lack of choice and control Lack of appropriate services Workforce issues

Health service issues Age discrimination Health inequalities Integrated health and social care

Case for London Planning powers Working with key partners London Plan review Key actions - social care

Key actions - health Accessibility and quality of services Public Health Mental health Support for carers Promote Physical activity

Other key actions Conference on fear of crime Elder abuse Freedom pass Culture card The Olympics

Housing and homelessness Policy proposal “The Mayor will ensure that strategic housing need in London fully incorporates the needs of older Londoners”

Housing key actions EQIA of London Housing Strategy Work with Houseproud to develop including faith loans Establish with partners the London accessible Housing register- provide better info and access to accessible and adapted housing

QUESTIONS What can Mayor/other do re extra care housing, assistibe technologies etc?