Model-based Conceptual Design (MBCD) Model-based Conceptual Design (MBCD) Working Group Introduction Quoc Do, PhD Research Lead, DSIC, UniSA Co-chair, MBCD WG Associate Director Tech. Review, INCOSE Deputy President, Systems Engineering Society of Australia
Overview 1. Introduction to the MBCD WG * Missions & Vision 2. WG Structure * Steering Committee * Members Activity Report 4. Future Activity Plan Model-based Conceptual Design (MBCD)
MBCD WG Vision - Develop best practice for model-based conceptual design MBCD WG Mission: Enhance the practise of problem definition and identifying capability needs Develop modelling practise in support of Exploratory Research and Concept Stage MBCD WG and MBSE Initiative The MBCD WG will directly support the INCOSE MBSE Initiative by focusing on the special considerations for modeling during the early conceptual design and exploratory research phases of the systems development process. Model-based Conceptual Design WG
Stakeholder mental design Stakeholder conceptual design Documented formal Specification/ Concept design Problem Space Stakeholder formal concept design (aka model) Auto-generation Analysis Model-based Conceptual Design WG Adapted from (Robinson, 2012)
MBCD WG comprises: Steering Group Committee Kevin Robinson, WSD, DSTO (Chair) Dr Quoc Do, DSIC, UniSA (Co-Chair) Michael Waite, Aerospace Concepts (Co-Chair) Paul Logan, Aerospace Concepts Dr David Harvey, Aerospace Concepts Prof Stephen Cook, UniSA Prof Peter Campbell, UniSA Jonathan Hallett, Deep Blue Tech Dr Mike Ryan, UNSW Despina Tramoundanis, WSD, DSTO Members: National and International members (no.30) Model-based Conceptual Design WG
Model-based Conceptual Design WG Model-based Conceptual Design WG 2012 Activity Report Joint SETE’12 and APOSE’12 conference in May 2012: Officially accepted as a Special Interest Group of the Systems Engineering Society of Australia (SESA) Organised an MBSE Panel plenary workshop session INCOSE IS Rome MBCD charter was presented to INCOSE Tech Ops on July 8, The MBCD Charter was later approved by INCOSE Tech Ops in Dec, MBCD-WG Meeting at the IS2012 in Rome A plan for developing an MBCD Roadmap and Guide A plan for R&D activities to address the roadmap
The 2 nd MBSE Symposium, with the Model- Based Concept Engineering theme, Nov 27-28, 2012, Adelaide, Australia: Over 90 attendees Technical program consisted of 2-Keynote Speeches, and 15 abstract reviewed presentations and 2 workshop sessions. MBCD WG: Whole-Day Strategic Planning Workshop Nov 29: Revised the WG’s Mission and Vision, and Name Discussed and formulated a future activity Plan Model-based Conceptual Design WG Model-based Conceptual Design WG 2012 Activity Report
Model-based Conceptual Design WG Model-based Conceptual Design WG Current Activity Plan Examine the state-of–the-art in MBCD: Activity lead Peter Campbell Collect case-studies Collect paint points Literature review (What already in this domain?), etc Enhance application of methods and tools: Activity Lead Kevin Robinson Heuristics Standard processes “When to” employ (complexity, cognitive ability, cost) MBCD Guide/Handbook Development Meta-Model INSIGHT Special Issue on MBCD: Activity Lead Kevin Robinson, Quoc Do and Michael Waite INSIGHT Theme 4th Qtr Draft title ”Model-Based Conceptual Design: Engineering the problem space” Model-Based Acquisition – Activity Lead Quoc Do Key information/data transition between “customer” and “supplier” Meta-model development
' 12 Q Q Q2Q3Q4 Q Q2Q3Q4 ' 14 Today MBCD Themed INSIGHT Journal 1/10/14 MBCD Champion Identified 27/6/14 Publish position in community 1/1/14 Publish Version 2 of Charter 28/2/13 Charter signed 1/10/12 Update charter4/12/ /2/13 Develop the "state-of-the-art" 4/12/ /6/13 Develop position in community4/2/13 - 1/1/14 Investigate ROI and Metrics4/2/13 - 1/1/14 Identify Knowledg gaps1/7/ /6/14 Collate an INSIGHT Journal Special Issue1/1/14 - 1/10/14 Model-based Conceptual Design WG Model-based Conceptual Design WG Plan
Question and Recommendation !!! IW13 MBCD - WG Meeting, Monday Jan 28, Time: 9-12pm (Rm: Jacksonville Room) Further Information – Please visit our MBCD WG (Wiki) WG Chair and Co-Chairs: