The Spotlight is on Type Wells
2 WHAT IS IT? Users can analyze analogous well production, create a type profile for modelling new drills, and create new wells from the profile or apply the profile to existing wells. Type Wells display an averaged representation of production history for a sample of wells with a forecast based on that history. Value Navigator normalizes the start of each well’s production history to time zero and calculates an average of the combined history starting from that date.
3 WHY WE ADDED IT Type wells are a large part of analytical and planning workflows, along with cross plots and well schedules. Type wells in 6.0 are enhanced from 5.2 in order to improve the overall user experience. There is so much new cool stuff we just say ‘Wow’.
WHAT’S NEW FROM 5.2 Well lists used to create type wells are saved and can be modified: There is now no confusion about which wells are associated with each type well. Options used to create the type well have been expanded, are saved, and can be modified. Type well profiles can be linked to new wells or existing wells with automatic scaling. 4
WHAT’S NEW FROM 5.2 Type wells are saved in their own hierarchy view. Normalization Modes allow users to select which portion of data is included for the type well. Each well used in the type well is plotted, along with the calculated result. Create a forecast from time zero using the ‘Draw Profile’ option in the Declines tab. 5
WHAT’S NEW FROM 5.2 Individual well profiles can be selected and shifted along the X axis with arrow keys or mouse to align well events (e.g. workovers) Switch the display scale from linear to semi-log from the graph context menu Scale the Qi from the type well when creating new wells. Automatically scale Qi when applying to existing wells. 6