Week 23
Blaspheme- v. to speak of badly of God Conspiracy-n. an unlawful plan formed by a group of people Agitated- adj. feeling troubled or nervous. Root word: grat-thankful Gratuitous- adj. unnecessary or unwanted Ingratiate- v. to gain another’s favor by flattery Ingrate- n. One who is not thankful
SWBAT identify when to use present and past perfect. SWBAT memorize past participle list.
After writing sentences, create a list of synonyms and antonyms for your words. Sentences Movies today are often criticized for gratuitous violence. Annie suspected that the student was trying to ingratiate himself with his teacher. When Amber threw down her birthday present in disappointment, she seemed like a spoiled ingrate.
SWBAT form the present perfect tense. SWBAT form the past perfect tense.
Definition: The Present Perfect shows that an action has begun in the past and is continuing into the present. Formation: Present tense of “to have” + past participle Example: I have studied English since I moved to New York. Timeline: ______X_> X Moved to NY Present Studied English Ask yourself: How many events are there? Is one of the events continuing to happen? If so, it is present perfect.
Definition: The Past Perfect shows that an action occurred further back in the past than another past action. Formation: past of “to have” + past participle Example: You had studied English before you moved to New York. Timeline: ______X______________________________X_____ Studied English Moved to NY Ask yourself: How many events are there? Is one of the events continuing to happen? If so, it is present perfect. If not, it is Past Perfect.
Instructions: Read the following sentences and highlight the two actions taking place, then circle the verb tense in which it is written. ( Ask Yourself: Is the action still happening? (Present), or is there one action that happened before the other? (Past) 1. (Present Perfect/ Past Perfect) Amir and Baba have lived in America since Monday. ___X X_ Monday Amir and Ali live in America Amir and Ali still live in America 2. (Present Perfect/ Past Perfect) Amir and Baba had lived in Afghanistan before they lived in Pakistan. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. (Present Perfect/ Past Perfect) Rahim Khan and Baba had become friends before Hassan and Amir were born. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. (Present Perfect/ Past Perfect) Amir and Hassan have not been friends since Hassan’s rape. ________________________________________________________________________________
Some past participles are formed regularly, and some past participles are formed irregularly. Here are some examples: Regular Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect (“to have” +past participle) We walk We walked We have walked I skate I skated I have skated Frank worries Frank worried Frank has worried Irregular Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect (“to have” +past participle) We sing We sang We have sung Bill writes Bill wrote Bill has written I am I was I have been
SSR ! Prompt: Who would you recommend your book to? Why?
SWBAT identify and understand different rhetorical devices. SWBAT define pathos, logos, ethos in speeches.
Fill in the blanks with the correct Week 23 Vocab words: 1. Some people believe that the terrorist attack of 9/11 involved a ________________ by the US government. 2. The man on the train was clearly _______________, as he sighed heavily and kept checking his phone. 3. Her date ordered a _____________ dessert; she had said she was full and was ready to go home. 4. Grandma Wolf considers Tommo and Charlie to be ____________ who are not thankful for her care. 5. Grandma Wolf attempts to _____________ herself with the Colonel. 6. When you take the Lord’s name in vain you have ____________ against God.
Clear desk except for writing utensil 15 minutes for Reading EPAS
Begin reading Private Peaceful Chapter 5 and questions HOMEWORK: Finish reading Chapter 5 + questions
SSR! Prompt: What connections to Private Peaceful can you make to your SSR book?
SWBAT explain and analyze Charlie’s motivations in Private Peaceful Chapter 5 to justify his actions.
At a Level 0: Review Week 23 + Week 22 Vocab Review COU 502 notes On a Post-it: Write the name of 1 person you love and why
Week 23 Vocab Quiz COU 502 Mastery Quiz 15 minutes total
Put away pencils and pens Trade quizzes with a partner Use a different color to correct