Health Risk Factors in Population Sexually Active Sexually Transmitted Diseases Injecting drugs and other substance abuse Babies born from infected mothers Birth Control Blood Transfusions Having fewer copies of a gene that helps to fight HIV
Environmental/Community Risk Factors People who live in poverty Prevalence of HIV and other STDs in a community Language barriers and immigration concerns Higher rates of undiagnosed or untreated STDs Higher rates of incarceration among men Discrimination and homophobia
Prevention Get tested Stay protected, use a condom. Don't share needles, syringes, or equipment used to prepare injection drugs or to inject them. For mothers, do not breastfeed if you have a newborn and are HIV-positive. Talk to a doctor about getting tested for HIV if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
Literature Review The Journal of the American Medical Association - Screening for HIV Infection Criteria 1.Detection 2.Treatment is beneficial 3.Reliable 4.Cost
Libman, H. Screening for HIV Infection. The Journal of American Medical Association, 306. Retrieved July 14, 2014, from Johnson, K. (2012, August 10). HIV Risk Factors: Are You Risking Your Life?. WebMD. Retrieved July 14, 2014, from risking-your-life Socioeconomic Factors Affecting HIV Risk. (2013, July 15). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved July 14, 2014, from ors.htm