VoIP Infotech offers iPhone SIP Client. It is facilitate national & international phone calls with free & reasonable cost via VoIP service, internet and wi-fi. /voipinfotech/+Voipinfotech/voipinfotech
Click to see the demo Customized with company logo/name Unlimited user license SIP protocol support Codecs supported: g711,GSM Call timer Calling in background Display Credit Time Redial Silence Suppression Echo Cancellation Local signaling (Dial tone, busy, ring back, etc.) Registration Timeout /voipinfotech/+Voipinfotech/voipinfotech
iOS (5.x, 4.x & 3.x version) /voipinfotech/+Voipinfotech/voipinfotech
MANAGEMENT Mr. Aryan (CEO) Mr. Sachin (Director) Miss. Archana (HR & Director) /voipinfotech/+Voipinfotech/voipinfotech
VoIP Infotech Address:- A-56 First Floor Sector-65 Noida(U.P)India. Mobile : , Phone : Toll Free : Website :- /voipinfotech/+Voipinfotech/voipinfotech