Keys to Personal Success Keys to Personal Success
3 The Analysis 1. Your primary and most dominant: the characteristics listed for this number one spot indicate the ones you feel most comfortable operating with. These are the attributes you use when you are truly being yourself. 2. Your second color has a major influence on the first. In some cases, it shines as brightly as your dominant color (internal introvert vs. external extrovert). 3. This one does not make as much of an impact. Sorry, “ third ” ! 4. Because these characteristics are least natural to you, you may admire them in others. Or, on the contrary, because they are the least natural, chances are that they are also the least understood, and therefore they are the characteristics that cause the most conflict with others. People often condemn what they themselves lack.
Core Needs & Values GOLD Duty Responsibility
Attributes GOLD “ Be prepared ” Loves to plan Detail-oriented Service-oriented Values family traditions Helpful and trustworthy Conservative and stable “ Should ” and “ should not ” Rarely breaks the speed limit Strives for a sense of security Punctual, predictable, precise Value order and the status quo Duty, loyalty, useful, responsible There is a right way to do everything Tends to be left-brained and analytical Strong belief in policies, procedures, rules Most comfortable with a formal environment
Reframing GOLD OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE GOLD AS: Rigid, inflexible Controlling, bossy Too serious Resistant to change Opinionated System-bound Lacking imagination Judgmental Boring Uptight Predictable Autocratic GOLD MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS: Consistent Providing structure Goal-oriented Firm or traditional Knowing right from wrong Loyal to organization Realistic Decisive, seeking closure Dependable Concerned about security Following a routine Having leadership ability
7 The World vs. Gold Creating stress for Golds… Incomplete/ambiguous tasks/answers Disorganization Too many things going on at one time Waste Non-conformity Changing details Haphazard attitude Lack of structure/direction Succeeding with Golds… Remember to be on time Try to be extra efficient and organized They are generous but like things to be returned Do what you say you will do Be dependable and loyal Respect their need for security
Core Needs & Values ORANGE Skillfulness Freedom
Attributes ORANGE Playful Energetic Charming Risk-taker “ Just do it ” Test limits Quick witted Master negotiator Creative, inventive “ Let ’ s make a deal ” A natural entertainer High need for mobility Visual and kinesthetic Pushes the boundaries Natural nonconformist Thrives on competition Likes tangible rewards External focus of control Stimulates the economy Impulsive and spontaneous Appreciates immediate feedback Tends to be left/right brain integrated Most productive in informal environments
Reframing ORANGE OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE ORANGE AS: Goofing off too much Manipulative Untrustworthy Unable to stay on task Scattered Taking unnecessary risks Resisting closure or decisions Obnoxious Immature Self-centered ORANGE MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS: Flexible, easy-going Having a playful attitude Exploring new possibilities Clever, good negotiator Open to change Having many interests Able to do many things Adventurous, courageous Valuing freedom Bold, assertive Fun-loving, enjoying life Independent
11 The World vs. Orange Creating Stress for Oranges… - Too much responsibility - Redundancy - Deadlines - Rules and regulations - Being stuck at a desk - “how to” directions - Too much attention to product and not enough to performance/results - Abstract concepts Succeeding with the Orange… - Be active and don’t slow them down! - Be spontaneous and fun - Compete in fun when appropriate - Be adventuresome and optimistic - Be energetic and ready to go!
Core Needs & Values BLUE Relationships Authenticity
Attributes BLUE Mediators Optimistic Caretakers Passionate Peacemakers True romantics Cause-oriented Need to feel “ special ” Always has a kind word Enjoys symbols of romance Strong sense of spirituality Sensitive to needs of others Peace, harmony, relationships Motivate and encourage others Cooperative rather than competitive
Reframing BLUE OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE BLUE AS: Very emotional Overly sensitive Mushy Too tender-hearted Easily persuaded Too nice Too trusting Smothering Too soft, too giving Weak Talking too much Illogical BLUE MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS: Having feelings Compassionate Romantic Idealistic Empathetic Caring Seeing best in others Nurturing Liking to please people Wanting harmony Great communicator Valuing feelings
15 The World vs. Blue Creating STRESS for Blues… - Broken promises - Too much negative criticism - Deception - Not discussing what is occurring - Completing paperwork as a priority - Clock-watching - Conflict - Placing the “ system ” as a priority above people - Being constantly compared to others and not evaluated as an individual - Too much conformity without outlets for individual expression Succeeding with the Blues… - Spend quality time one-on-one with them - Be aware that they wear their heart on their sleeve - Listen to them as they listen to you - Be supportive - Share your thoughts and feelings - Praise their creativity
Core Needs & Values GREEN Intellectual Competence Knowledge
Attributes GREEN “ Should be able to ” “ Why? ” Intellectual Theoretical Idea people Philosophical Very complex Perfectionists Standard setters Visionaries, futurists Can never know enough Cool, calm and collected Work is play - play is work Often not in the mainstream Abstract, conceptual, global Need for independence and private time Explores all facets before making decisions Knows how to spell and pronounce “ big ” words Approaches interpersonal relationships in a logical manner
Reframing GREEN OTHERS MAY PERCEIVE GREEN AS: Arrogant, a know it all Cold, hard Insensitive Head in the clouds Cool, aloof, unfeeling Afraid to open up Critical, fault-finding Lacking compassion Unappreciative of others Intellectually demanding Argumentative Absent minded GREEN MAY PERCEIVE SELF AS: Confident Mentally tough, strong Logical, rational Visionary, inventive Self-controlled Enjoying one ’ s own company Good at analysis Objective Having ability to reprimand Having high expectations Knowledgeable Thinking deeply
19 The World vs. Greens Creating stress for Greens… Not being in charge Lack of independence Elaborate use of adjectives Incompetence Emotional displays Lack of options Inability to use or display knowledge Small talk Routine Social functions Succeeding with Greens… Be aware of their curiosity about life Give things that challenge their problem-solving abilities Respect their need for independence Know that they are caring even though they may not show their feelings much Respect their ideas
Why is this important? Collaboration is about communication and relationships. We must understand in order to be understood (Stephen Covey).
21 Why True Colors? “ Color ” watching is only one filter through which to view human behavior. True colors should alter your interactions as you become more aware. It helps you understand values, needs, and actions of others. True Colors is not supposed to provide you with one strategy for changing yourself or others but to help you understand more fully behaviors and people. Learning the True Color language and customs of others not only lowers tension and resistance levels, but it also demonstrates the utmost respect. It helps you build relationships and collaboration.
Know Thyself … … and learn about those around you. With True Colors ® you can: enable understanding increase communication create harmony
23 References Miscisin, M. (2005). Showing our True Colors. Sacramento: True Colors, Inc.