Protestant and counter reformation
Protestant Reformation: Causes The Great Schism Church Corruption Sale of Indulgences Luther’s 95 Theses Gutenberg’s Printing Press
Protestant Reformation: Effects Ended religious unity in Europe New Churches were founded based on the teachings of reformers such as Luther and Calvin. Sparked a century of religious wars between Catholics and Protestants, including the 30 Years’ War. Led to economic growth in northern Europe.
Characteristics of Protestant Reformation German princes stop sending money to the Pope in Italy. Lutheran Church: special priests not needed as each person engages in own interpretation of the Bible. New Testament translated into the vernacular German. Church lands seized and monasteries closed. Led to increase in the power of secular authorities – Henry VIII of England.
Other Reformers John Calvin - People are sinful by nature ideal government is a theocracy. Anabaptists - Only adults baptized church and state separate. Catholic Reformers - Church interpretation of Bible is final need faith and good works to be saved.
The Protestant and Catholic Reformations Elements of Dissent Within the Catholic Church Critics claim church leaders are corrupt and extravagant Rulers resent papal interference in political affairs Middle classes resent paying church taxes Poorly educated lower clergy were guilty of breaking vows Selling of indulgences is seen as an abuse Authority of church leaders is questioned; Bible is seen as higher authority
The Protestant and Catholic Reformations Protestant Reformation Only faith was necessary for salvation Service in vernacular languages (not Latin) Papal authority rejected Clergy may marry after Papal authority rejected Church properties seized Lay church leaders Strict Calvinist teachings Proliferation of many Christian sects
The Protestant and Catholic Reformations Creation of Jesuit order Missionary work among non-Christians/Protestants Inquisition punishes heresy Index of forbidden books Church interpretation of Bible final Both faith and good works necessary for salvation Bible and church traditions equally valid authorities
The Protestant and Catholic Reformations Long-Term Results of the Reformation Protestant churches continued to flourish Religion no longer united Europe The Catholic Church’s power declined Individual monarchs and nation states gained power Separation of church and state was accepted Secular ideas spread throughout Western world
Effect in The Renaissance Art celebrates individual and personal expression Merchants sponsor artists and pay to beautify city Rulers sponsor artists and philosophers Political, social, and artistic theories spread
Effect in Reformation Individuals interpret Bible for themselves German merchants resent flow of money to Church in Rome Rulers defy pope and become Protestant Luther’s 95 Theses spread; Bible printed in vernacular languages, so more people have access
European Renaissance and Reformation Social Change Growing emphasis on individual Growing prosperity of merchants Decline of feudalism and growing power of princes and kings Printing press and spread of learning
Elizabeth I Ruled England from 1558 to 1603 Maintained a moderate form of Protestantism in England that helped sooth tensions between English Protestants and Catholics Won the loyalty and affection of her subjects Defended English from attacks by Catholic Spain
Printing Press Permitted the mass production of printed books Encouraged the spread of new ideas Aided the spread of literacy