Social Studies/6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 6.1 (A)(RS) trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors such as invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, and trade; 6.2 (B)(RR) evaluate the social, political, economic, and cultural contributions of individuals and groups from various societies, past and present. 6.3 (B)(SS) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns for various world regions and countries shown on maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases; 6.4 (C)(RS) explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions; 6.5 (A)(SS) identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for the location of economic activities in places and regions; 6.9 (A)(RS) compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services; 6.9 (B)(SS) compare and contrast free enterprise, socialist, and communist economies in various contemporary societies, including the benefits of the U.S. free enterprise system; 6.10 (B)(RS) describe levels of economic development of various societies using indicators such as life expectancy, gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, and literacy;
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.4 (C)(RS) explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions; WARM-UP Video- segment of Early African. Activity Students will copy and complete the chart with important facts or new ideas and discoveries of early Africans. Assessment Teacher observation And grade questions LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text about early Africans. Homework Study notes HOT How did early Africans adapt to their environment?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective ; 6.5 (A)(SS) identify and explain the geographic factors responsible for the location of economic activities in places and regions; WARM-UP Video Segment on East and West Africa. Activity Students will: copy and complete a concept web with information about East and West Africa. They will take notes to study. Assessment Teacher observation LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 5B: Write using newly acquired vocabulary about East and West Africa. Homework Study notes HOT How did the Islamic religion spread from East Africa to other areas?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.2 (B)(RR) evaluate the social, political, economic, and cultural contributions of individuals and groups from various societies, past and present. WARM-UP Video-segments on African independence. Activity Students will take notes on European influence and African Independence. Assessment Teacher observation LANGUAGE OBJ Students will: 4G: Show comprehension of English text when taking notes and answering questions about European influence and African independence. Homework Study notes HOT How did African nations win independence from European rule?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.1 (A) trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors such as invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, and trade ; WARM-UP Name the counties of North Africa. Activity Students will watch video on the Sahara and answer question. Assessment Teacher observation and grade questions. LANGUAGE OBJ Students will : 4G: Show comprehension of English text by answering questions about the Sahara. Homework Study notes HOT What animal is called the “ship of the desert”?
Subject:Social Studies DATE: Objective 6.3 (B)(SS) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns for various world regions and countries shown on maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases; WARM-UP Which major bodies of water surround Africa? Activity Students will read and answer questions from a map of the Sahara Desert. Assessment Teacher will grade questions and quiz? LANGUAGE OBJ Students will : Homework Study notes HOT Why is Africa in all of the hemispheres? 5B: Write using newly acquired vocabulary about the Sahara Desert.