By Lloyd and Jamie Brought to you by I safe
How to keep from being bullied (online) 1 don’t give out personal info such as passwords, pins, address, phone #, school name, or names of friends or family 2 don’t believe everything some one tells you They could say they are 15 but really could be a 3 toothed 40 year old fat guy Don’t bully do not send a message when you are angry
TELL SOMEONE!!! Don’t keep it to yourself Don’t open or read a message from a cyber bullies Tell your internet provider DON’T ERASE THE MESSAGE they may be needed to take action
A bully wants power, control, and domination and a since of accomplishment Bullies can be boys or girls Bullying is NOT outgrowing. Those who demonstrate those characteristics tend to grow up more violent and commit more crimes When one bullies another the bully often has problems at home
Worms spread through computer networks They use the network to replicate from machine to machine 1 famous example of a worm is the code red worm It replaced itself over 250,000 times In approximately 9 hours on July 19, 2001
These are programs that claim to do 1 thing such as a game, but when run do other things Trojan horses can erase your hard drive for example. However they cannot replicate themselves. They have to be sent or copied by a user
This info should not be giving out over the internet to maintain your safety 1. Name 2. Age 3. Phone number 4. Social security number 5. Address 6. School 7. Friends’ name 8. Family names
By Lloyd and Jamie Brought to you by I safe