Safer, high quality care Better patient experience Improved health Value for money Real influence More accessible services Better health, Better care 1 The Regional Innovation Fund
2 High Quality Care for All High Quality Care for All, the final report of the NHS Next Stage Review, set out a vision for making innovation central to the NHS. It included a commitment to support ‘frontline innovation’ by the creation of substantial new innovation funds held by SHA’s. Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas to improve quality and increase productivity. It is about generating new ideas, selecting the good ones and implementing them.
3 The Innovation Fund A five year, £220 million innovation fund across all SHA’s. East Midlands’ allocation for 09/10 is £1.94 million, rising to £5million in subsequent years. The NHS East Midlands fund is to increase the quantity and spread of innovation, to improve quality and increase productivity.
4 Aims of the Fund Ensure clinical service delivery is at the leading edge Speed up the rate of adoption, diffusion and implementation of new, evidence-based practices Break down organisational barriers to working differently Encourage cross-disciplinary and cross- organisational initiatives Release individual and organisational creativity Increase the capacity of the NHS to adopt new ideas
5 Fund Management to date We have: Created an infrastructure, including an expert panel Outlined guiding principles and processes Determined priority areas for bids Worked with Department of Health appointed advisors - NESTA and the Young Foundation Aligned our processes to those used by the NHS National Innovation Centre, (NIC) to aid innovation data capture
6 The East Midlands approach There is a web-based point for applications via The fund can be applied for by staff or teams in any East Midlands NHS organisation Non-NHS applications will be welcomed if submitted in partnership with an East Midlands NHS organisation. Applications are invited from 7 September 2009 – to 10 November, in two batches: –Applications between 7 Sept to 5 October and –Applications between 6 October and 10 November
7 Types of Funding Allocations to support key strategic priorities of the SHA or PCTs Allocations to address areas of clinical need identified by frontline individuals or organisations Allocations to fast-track existing innovations identified through the SHA ‘Seek and Find’ process Support of Innovation Fellowships Support of Innovation Bursaries Support of East Midlands Innovation Awards Support for Innovation capacity development
8 Principles and Criteria Bids will be prioritised which demonstrate: –Increased quality –Increased productivity –Improved cost efficiency –Improved patient clinical effectiveness, patient experience, safety The panel will consider –Expected outcomes –Strategic fit to stated priorities –Financial return –Robustness of the case –Likelihood of success
9 Strategic Priorities Applications will need to demonstrate how they will support: –The regional clinical vision: From Evidence to Excellence, or –One of the five County clinical visions, or –Other priorities identified in PCT Strategic Plans /LOPs or They should be aligned with: –One of the nine NSR clinical pathways: –One of the regional NSR Priorities Or, be a low carbon productivity opportunity Also invited are proposals from frontline staff to improve patient care through innovation
10 The Nine Next Stage Review pathways are: Maternity and Newborn Care Children’s Health Staying Healthy Long Term Conditions Mental Health Learning Disabilities Acute Care Planned Care End of Life Care
11 Our Regional NSR Priorities Acute Stroke Primary angioplasty for STEMI heart attack Major Trauma Vascular surgery Telephone access to urgent care (3-digit number) Mother and baby mental health Eating disorders Low secure learning disability services Specialised children’s services Child and adolescent mental health, tier 4
12 Managing Risk There will be a balanced risk portfolio, risk framework and risk benefit matrix Risk will be managed by a variety of means, including staged payments Higher risk proposals will be supported, provided no unmitigated risks to patient safety or quality, Where funding is approved and where the risk is openly acknowledged in advance of the allocation, recipients will not be penalised where the innovation does not succeed, provided it does not result from mismanagement.
13 Application and Award Process Panel assessment Web-based application form Award of funds (possible staging)
14 Demonstrating Value Clarity will be needed on the expected timelines for outcomes, benefits and impacts Project plans will be needed for sums over £20,000, including targets and goals for each stage of the project. Evidence that funding has been used for the intended purposes will be required.
15 Knowledge Management Applicants will submit a formal report to the panel after project completion This will include lessons learned, successes, and issues in implementation Project details will be loaded onto TIN and this will feed the NHS National Innovation Centre’s Innovation Grid and Showcase
16 Next Steps The SHA will: Complete the panel arrangements Support local Innovation Leads who are managing the process of working with frontline staff in individual organisations Complete the process for managing applications to the fund, including the risk portfolio approach Allocate, manage and monitor the spend and impact of the fund.